O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,6

as her eyes scanned the pictures of Will's sister, young Kathryn Marie who came with him to help raise young Michael, the boy with the dark pensive eyes and the overly expressive brows.

There were pictures of champions, but not pictures of Sonny. This was, after all, her father's trophy room and reserved only for his Thoroughbreds.

It was a room where he made deals and planned strategy and talked with his employees, but it was not a room for his own daughter.

As Sonny became witness to the years that had passed, she felt alienated from this world that had never been a part of her life.

While Pinebrook was producing champions, Sonny was being sent to private schools to get an education. Her father once said he would not have his young daughter growing up at racetracks. Why had it taken her father all these years to finally demand that she

take an interest in the farm? If only he'd have asked, she would have been his most reliable ally.

Now she wanted no part of it.

Morning light filtered through the drawn window shades, robbing Sonny of the extra sleep she needed. Getting up at the first signs of dawn were definitely not a part of her life.

Spending evenings with Pierre and making the rounds at parties and the "in places" were her forte, and sleeping-in was a built-in privilege of her profession. Her shooting sessions were often in the afternoon, unless they were on locations and then the schedule would only change for a day or two. It was a crazy, exciting life and one that Sonny missed already. Coming home had not been easy.

Pinebrook was a place she wanted to tuck away somewhere, hoping the years of loneliness here could be somehow forgotten. Sometimes she had actually hated the Thoroughbreds that took so much of her father's time. Why should she want to work with them now? If she were free to sell or dispose of the property, she could leave in a few weeks. But, Michael's half ownership in the business would now make that impossible.

As Sonny splashed cool water on her face and brushed her straight white teeth, she wondered what Michael had planned for her today. Undoubtedly, it would be something difficult. What he didn't know was that she was ready for him. She would do everything he asked, and do it well.

She smiled with satisfaction as she tried to visualize Michael's reaction. He would be expecting her to give up and she wouldn't. In fact, he might be in for the surprise of his life.

When Sonny came downstairs, she was wearing jeans, a white pullover and her blond hair was tied back with a rubber band. She had been fortunate to find a pair of old boots still in her closet. A lot of things had changed in the years she'd been away, but shoe size was not one of them.

"Top o' the mornin'," Katy greeted Sonny as she came into the large blue and white country kitchen.

The delicious aroma of fresh bacon and eggs filled her nostrils.

"You're going to spoil me, Katy."

"Good. You look like you could use a little love and care."

Sonny swallowed a biteful of egg and washed it down with a gulp of hot coffee.

"I feel terrible about the inheritance, Sonny."

Katy watched her with eyes that had suddenly dulled against the natural glow of her face. "I know you must be confused about why your father did that."

"I am. I never really wanted to take over here, but knowing that I must now share my decision with someone else if very painful.

Sonny chewed thoughtfully on a strip of crisp bacon that she held between her fingers.

"Whatever is meant to be, I always say. You must take it one day at a time."

"Thanks, Katy for the encouragement, but one day is one too many for me right now. I feel like I'm suspended in time, not belonging in either place." Sonny shuddered at the thought.

When Michael's knock sounded at the back door, it was exactly seven o'clock, the tight fit of his jeans against his muscular thighs irritated Sonny and the red and black checked shirt opened low enough to expose bits of dark hair on his brown chest. How dare he flaunt himself like this!

"Ready to go?" Michael's eyes danced with merriment and he reached for a strip of bacon that was draining on a piece of paper toweling.

"I've been ready for a long time," Sonny answered as she carried her plate to the

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