O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,45

was willing to fight for it, no matter what the cost.

The sounds of night filtered down through the pines as she crept along, hearing only the loud thumping of her heart in her ears. It had come to life…and so had she.On any other night, she might have been cold, but not tonight. The blood rushed through her veins and she was filled with a warm glow of contentment.

Michael turned around when Sonny entered the barn and he looked at her in surprise. She was the last person he had expected to see walk through that door.

"How is she?" Sonny came to stand next to Michael, whose eyes watched her every move.

"Better." Then, as if the idea had just struck him, Michael asked, "Why did you come back?"

"I couldn't stay up there with the Lady sick, Michael."

"I told you I would take care of her tonight."

Sonny patted the side of Lady, who was now much quieter than she had been earlier. "Look, we're business partners."

"So?" Michael's eyes were defiant.

"I'm as responsible for these animals as you are. And I care as much as you do." Sonny felt her cheeks growing warm as she watched Michael.

"They'll have to get used to being without you eventually, Sonny. That is, unless you go back to Paris with your friend." His words were sharp and cutting.

"Now, you listen to me, Michael O'Brien."

Sonny shook her finger at him as she spoke.

"I'm not going back to Paris. Not now. Not ever."

Michael watched her as he focused on her blue eyes, her soft mouth.

"Why not?" he asked.

"For reasons you might not understand."

"Try me."

"Well, for one thing, I like it here. It's a lot of hard work, but watching Lady foal, working with Midnight… it' s become a part of me."

"Funny, you could have fooled me." Michael smiled sardonically.

She ignored his remark and continued. And she only hoped that he would listen and understand.

"When Lady was sick tonight, I thought I might lose her."

"That happens sometimes," Michael answered.

"It's never happened to me before, Michael. I left this place because I didn't think I belonged here. I felt left out of everything. But tonight, I realized it's a part of me. These Thoroughbreds are important to me."

Michael's eyes devoured her face and yet he kept his voice calm and non-committal. He held his breath as he waited and listened.

"What about Pierre? Will he stay here in the states?"

"Heavens no. I hope he'll be on his way tonight."

Michael had leaned against the side of Lady's stall and he fought against the urge to hold her in his arms.

"What about your party?" Michael asked.

"I had very little to do with it. Pierre arranged everything…and they're his guests, not mine."

She pulled the dragging lace up from the ground and Michael glanced down, noticing the red cut on her leg.

"But, you did polish the silver?" he asked, smiling.

"Yes. That I did."

His hand cradled her leg, gently, carefully. Reaching for the first-aid box next to him, he pulled out a bottle of disinfectant and a cotton swab. "Here, sit down and I'll fix this."

Sonny eased herself onto the small wooden stool as she watched Michael's kind eyes.

"This might hurt a little," he warned.

He was right.

Sonny winced as he dabbed at the cut and she began to talk to keep her mind from the stinging pain.

"Michael, I ruined this gown tonight," she said.

His eyes were again full of sparkle as he arched one thick eyebrow. "Oh, I hadn't noticed."

"Pierre did, and he was indignant and demanded I not embarrass him this way."

Michael watched the blue of her eyes grow deeper and he could hardly keep his mind on what he was doing.

"And here I thought he was a French gentleman." Michael made a clucking sound with his teeth and shook his head slowly from side to side.

While she was talking, he placed the iodine on her cut and bandaged it so carefully that she barely felt the touch of his hands.

"No, I don't suppose he's a gentleman, Michael. But for awhile he had me fooled."

Michael's hand moved to her cheek and slowly he wiped away the smudges under her eyes. "Did you know that you have a dirty face?"

She smiled and the color came back to her cheeks.

"No, I didn't. I guess I look pretty awful."

Michael's touch was intoxicating and Sonny felt her knees weaken as he ran the cloth over her nose and to the other side of her face, taking long slow moves that made her dizzy.

"Michael," she said abruptly, "I've made some decisions tonight."

"I expected that." His hand was guiding the cloth over her forehead now, sending little shock waves all through her body. As the smudges were removed, so were the layers of exterior that had barricaded her from her feelings for so long.

"This partnership hasn't been easy for either of us," she said, "but, if we work together, I'm sure something can be arranged."

"Um-hum." His fingers were tracing the line of her mouth and she shivered beneath his gentle touch.

"If you want to stay here and help me work this out, then that's all right. After all, you know this place so well and…and I don't want to make things difficult for either of us. I just want to stay here, Michael."

Sonny continued to talk, trying not to look at his eyes, for fear she would see the desire that she knew was burning there. She had to hold her emotions in check if they were going to work together. All of her foolish dreams about him caring for her would have to be ended, for they had a difficult job ahead of them.

Michael's hands went around her back and touched the bare skin of her shoulders, the light feathery movements sending chills up her spine.

"Michael, I don't think you're paying attention, I said…"

"I love you, Sonny."

"I said, I'm going to stay here and…you love me?" Her blue eyes widened and she jerked her head back to take a long look at him. Had she heard correctly? Did she dare ask him to repeat it?

"Michael, what…"

"I said, I love you."

Michael smiled just before his lips captured her in a kiss of such warmth and depth that she was lost in it completely. It felt like the Fourth of July and fireworks filled her life and bells were ringing in her heart. She gave herself to the explosive power he unleashed in her.

She loved the way his hands caressed her soul and his lips brought the fire of passion to her body. She loved the dark eyes…and she loved Michael O'Brien.

"Michael…" she gasped as she pushed him gently away with her hands, "when did you start loving me?"

"I never stopped," he said as his hands cupped her face. "When you left I thought of nothing else but your homecoming."

"Then, why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't sure I could make you happy, Sonny. You wanted the things I could never give you. When your father left me half of the farm, that was my only chance to try to win you over to this life. And to me."

"Oh, Michael, I'm so sorry."

"For what?" he asked as he kissed her lightly on the tip of the nose.

"For wasting four years of my life. Of our lives." Sonny placed her arms around his neck and pulled him to her, planting a kiss firmly on his lips.

"Well," he drawled, "aren't you going to say it?"

"Say what?" she asked.

"That you love me."

Sonny threw her head back and chuckled. It was a low little giggle that was filled with happiness.

"I love you, Michael. I love you, I love you, I love you."

Michael smiled and then dipped his brow over one eye, looking at her skeptically. "And when did you come to that conclusion?" he asked.

"Tonight…yesterday…a lifetime ago."

Michael brushed the hair away from her forehead and kissed her lightly on each eyelid, carefully working his way down to her cheeks, and then to her mouth which was waiting for his kiss.

"Now," he said, "we have some things to discuss."

"Like what? Our business partnership?"

"No, I was thinking of another kind of partnership," Michael answered.

"You mean…"

"Will you marry me, Sonny?" Michael's bronze face looked more handsome than ever as he held her in his arms and in his heart.

She was home, at last, with the only man who could have helped her find her way back.

"Yes," she answered.

"You mean, it was that easy? Just yes. You'll marry me?" Michael teased.

He scooped her up into his arms and she nuzzled her head into his neck. The warmth of his touch had filled her soul.

"Not just yes, Michael," she answered, "when?"

"Would tonight be too soon?" he whispered.

"No." she answered.

And she was right.


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