O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,42

her presence. Sonny went over to the stall and reached her arms up to her, trying to make her stop.

"Lady, it's all right. All right." Her voice was still unnatural and as she watched, she realized that the horse must have a case of colic. She had heard Michael and Will talking about it and she knew that it was fairly common.

But what had they done? Could she duplicate their procedures, could she make the right decisions now? Sonny knew that she needed help and she hurried back to the main barn, to telephone Walt Hermann. She held the receiver to her ear, moving constantly, too nervous to stop and too upset to stand still. Finally after several rings the deep voice at the other end answered.

"Walt, this Sonny at Pinebrook. Please can you come over?"

"What is it?"

"Lady, she's pacing, groaning and her eyes are blank. Michael and Will won't be back for another thirty minutes and I'm here alone." Sonny felt the shrillness in her voice as she began talking very quickly, until the end when she gasped one long breath of air.

"Must be colic. Give me ten minutes."

She wanted to ring Katy at the cottage, but there wasn't time. Lady was suffering and she had to get back to her as quickly as possible.

Her forehead was damp now and she felt the pieces of her hair as they fell away from her forehead. She grasped at the limp, torn pieces of lace that fell around her ankles, and held them between her fingers to avoid still another fall.

Midnight, who occupied the other stall across from his mother, began to whinny and move about nervously. Sonny knew she should move him to the larger barn. It would not be easy to separate the two of them, but it had to be done.

Gently, she placed the halter around Midnight's neck, pulling the reins just enough to let him know who was in command.

"Steady, boy. Everything is going to be fine." She steadied him with a stronger grip on the reins, all the time talking in low tones and patting him reassuringly. The colt soon relaxed and responded to her lead.

By now, Sonny practically ran back to Lady, who was still pacing wildly and making such a low, guttural, pitiful sound that she fought hard to keep the tears from her eyes.

Walt had said he'd be here in ten minutes, and already it felt like ten hours. If only she could do something now, to eliminate some of the pain while they both waited for the veterinarian to arrive.

Sonny dropped to her knees and talked to Lady, keeping her voice calm and as low-pitched as possible. The force with which the horse maneuvered herself

around the box was tremendous and she was certain to hurt herself now that she was kicking at the belly. Michael would know what to do, if only he were here.

And, where was Walt?

She ran to the large tub in the back of the barn and filled a bucket with water and sponges. Her instincts told her she might have to wash Lady down and she wanted to be ready. As she carried the water back to the stall, drops of cold splashed onto her feet, causing her shoes to cake with loose dirt.

By the time Walt Hermann arrived, a large leather bag carried at his side, Sonny's face was drained of all color and her hair, that had been so perfectly styled just moments before, now hung loosely over her shoulders and she had the forlorn look of a frightened child.

"Quickly, Walt, she's in terrible pain." Sonny followed him over to the stall, and stood helplessly by as he rolled his sleeves up and began to work with the animal. His voice was strong but gentle and she thought she saw a look of recognition in Lady's large brown eyes, as she watched the doctor perform his cure.

"I'll drain her fluids, Sonny. Just help me hold her." Walt handed her the rein and told her to grasp it tightly between her fingers. She nodded her head and did just as he ordered, knowing that any delay now could harm the horse. His hands worked quickly and expertly with the nasal tube and Sonny closed her eyes as he worked. She could not bear the pain in Lady's eyes nor the sounds she made.

"Now, then I'll give her a shot and that should quieter her a bit."

Walt was a large, round giant of a man, and his strength

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