O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,41

think he exaggerates, but thank you for the compliment." Sonny smiled at Pierre who stood with his arm around her waist. "What I am very excited about right now, are my animal portraits."

Pierre frowned. "What?"

"May I show them to you? I've been here for the past three months, working with the most remarkable Thoroughbred you have ever…"

"Sondra, I think the Coreys might be more interested in your fashion work, don't you?" Pierre spoke with a solicitous tone and Sonny could feel the heat rise to her cheeks. He was just as unconcerned tonight about her horses as he had been three days ago at the stables.

She excused herself and began mingling with the other guests, most of whom had names she could not remember. The room was filled with the muted sounds of conversation as the two waiters kept the wine glasses filled and the hors d'oeuvres trays circulating.

When the telephone rang, Sonny gladly excused herself and went over to the small desk in the entry way. Katy's voice at the other end was unusually high-pitched and she talked very rapidly.

''Sonny, you've got to come down to the barns. One of the poor animals is makin* such a noise, I know somethin' terrible is happening."

"Katy, where's Michael?"

"That's just it, he's on his way back from Sacramento with his father, and they won't be here for another thirty minutes."

"All right…listen, I'll be right down. Stay there at your place in case they telephone." Sonny replaced the receiver with hands that had begun to shake.

She made her way back through the guests and over to the Pierre who was still chatting with the Coreys.

"Pierre," she said clutching the arm that hung at his side, "I have to go down to the stables.""Sondra, don't be absurd. You must be joking." His face was stern and his eyes held an uncertain look.

"One of the horses is very ill and Will and Michael aren't there. I won't be long." Her eyes begged him to understand, but when he didn't answer, she quickly turned and left.

The brisk night air brushed past her face as she hurried out the back door, leaving behind the muffled sounds of conversation and soft music. Her mind raced as she made her way down the pathway that was partially lit by the full moon.

Her heart was pounding loudly in her ears and she knew that, for the first time, the sole responsibility was now on her shoulders. What was an owner to do when an animal was sick? Did she know enough to get her through these next few minutes while she waited for Michael?

She was stepping precariously on the hardened soil, when her ankle turned and she felt the hard ground beneath her. She had heard the sound of fabric tearing and felt a quick sting against her leg. But, there was no time to worry about a torn dress or the pain she felt. Sonny pushed herself back up with the palms of her hands and continued on course to the barns.

When Sonny first heard the awful sound coming from the barn at the rear of the property, her heart was in her throat. She had hoped that it was not true, but now as she listened to the low, wailful sounds that pierced the night air, she was certain.

The Lady was in trouble.


Although Sonny was mentally preparing herself for this moment, nothing in the world could have helped her conceive the amount of pain that Graceful Lady was experiencing.

The gentle chestnut horse was now staggering around and around her stall, where she had made a path in her bedding. The lean, muscular body was covered with sweat and her nostrils were flared.

"Ail right, Lady," Sonny said, trying to get the sound to come from her throat, but only ending with a low raspy sound that she was sure the horse hadn't even heard.

What was she to do now? Michael had talked with her, telling her over and over the procedures to follow when the animals were taken suddenly ill. Then why couldn't she remember what to do?

Sonny's mouth had gone dry and the pain she had felt in her leg before, now went unnoticed. There should be a call made to the veterinarian, but first she would try to comfort her in any way possible. If she kept rolling her head and pacing this way, Sonny was sure she would hurt herself even more.

Lady's dark eyes were blank as they stared back at Sonny, seemingly unaware of

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