O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,38


Michael leaned against the fence, watching the horses and the colorful array of riders. "But, not by much. Billy will have to push her down the stretch."

"You mean she might not win?" Sonny's eyes were filled with disappointment as she spoke. She had thought an early lead made the victory inevitable.

"Depends on how he handles her. He knows what

to do. If he keeps his mind on what's happening…"

"Come on, Fancy," Sonny hollered. She had given up the glasses and now peered through the fence, waiting for the moment when the horses would cross the line.

As the screams and cheers of the crowd filled her ears, the thunderous group came down the stretch. Dust was flying and the hooves pounded against the ground in unison as the jockeys made their last attempts to change their positions.

Billy moved his whip from one side to the other, gently urging her on, but always mindful to handle the horse with carefulness. Riding for Pinebrook was an honor, and he knew that Bright Fancy could do it.

Within a blink of an eye, the horses galloped past the on-lookers with clamoring speed, each one being pushed for that extra bit that might make the difference.

Suddenly it was over. Sonny jumped up and down, screaming with joy as she heard the words she had waited for.

Bright Fancy had won the race.

"Michael, we did it. We did it." Without thinking or reasoning, she reached for him, throwing her arms around his broad neck and planting a kiss on the side of his face.

Michael scooped her up in his arms and held her by the waist as he swung her around. He could not help but be caught up in the excitement that shown in her clear blue eyes.

As Michael stopped, he gently lowered Sonny and her expression changed. She had been so wrapped up in the race that she had forgotten everything. She had forgotten that just a day before, Michael had burst into her room and disrupted her needlessly and she had forgotten his rudeness with Pierre.

This world of racing had a way of taking her out of reality and placing her in the center of a situation that made her forget her priorities. Maybe Michael had brought her here for that very purpose.

To make her forget her direction in life. A direction that led directly to Paris.

"I'm sorry Michael," she apologized as her feet touched the ground.

"Sorry for what?" he asked.

"Getting so out of control. I just felt happy when our horse won."

"You have a right to be happy, Sonny. Don't apologize for it."Michael's eyes searched her face and he surveyed her kindly. He was easier to resist when he was arrogant and uncompromising, but when his dark eyes softened she found it difficult to keep her d i stance.

"So…we've won. Now what?" she asked trying to still her heart.

"We go to the winner's circle."

Billy was ecstatic with the victory and he chattered with Michael about the ease with which the horse ran. It was a heartwarming moment for Sonny and she thought ahead to the day when her beloved Midnight would thrill the crowds.

Sonny's day at the racetrack had been filled with excitement and she spent the evening taking a fragrant bath, drinking a cup of hot chocolate and catching up on some long over-due reading.

As she sank into the cool leather cushions of her father's chair in the den, she was filled with the quiet satisfaction that comes after a pleasant day. Inwardly she could hardly wait until the next race and she hoped she could forget it all when she returned to Paris.

Graceful Lady and Midnight had become a big part of her life, even though she insisted they hadn't. It wouldn't be easy to leave them behind. Nor would it be easy to leave Michael O'Brien.


The next three days were filled with a whirlwind of activity and preparation for the dinner party to be held that weekend. Sonny found herself caught up in the excitement of Pierre's busy schedule and was therefor unable to continue her work at the stables.

Michael was disgruntled and had very little to say about her absence from her regular work, which was exactly the reaction Sonny had expected from him.

It was wonderful to be planning again and thinking of how she would look and feel to be with such a talented French designer. Even after working with Pierre for two years, she was still a little stage struck by his presence. She had not felt that

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