O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,35

to ride wearing a white suit."

Michael smiled and led them back to the second barn in back. She despised the look of joy on his bronzed face. He was enjoying every minute of this.

"You have to see Midnight," Michael announced.

"Isn't he beautiful," Sonny exclaimed as Pierre shoved his hands into the large pockets of his suit jacket.

She led Midnight out into the open so the sun could shine on his lustrous coat.

Pierre watched with disinterest. Sonny held her breath as the breeze caught a wisp of Michael's dark hair, and it fell against his forehead. She wondered how Pierre could remain motionless, as even her own moved about gently.

She noticed the incongruity of the dark-haired

Frenchman who stood motionless in his white suit and expressionless face. He was a picture from another world and hardly fit in here.

"Would you like to give him a pat?" Sonny asked. Pierre shook his head.

"Go ahead," Michael coaxed, "he won't bite."

"He's a fine animal," Pierre answered stiffly, but he made no attempt to touch the young colt. Sonny felt disappointed. She had hoped his reaction would be d ifferent.

"Sondra," Pierre said, "I was hoping we could take a drive along the coast to Carmel. I hear it's a charming little town."

"It is Pierre, but I've got so much to do here today."

"Oh, don't be bothered with the farm, Sonny, go ahead with Pierre." Michael crossed his arms and flashed a fake smile in her direction.

"I don't know, Michael. Midnight is used to me handling him, and I was gone yesterday."

"Were you?" Michael's smile had suddenly faded and his dark eyes watched for her reaction,

"Yes, Pierre, I'd love to go." Sonny lifted her chin, meeting his icy stare.

She was tired from the night before and would

have welcomed staying at home. But, Michael's arrogant insistance had made her agree to something she already regretted.

Sonny placed her hand against Pierre's elbow and edged him toward her house.

"Have fun, Michael," she called over her shoulder.

The drive to Carmel was quietly relaxing, and Sonny was relieved that Pierre had rented a late model blue Mercedes rather than another limousine.

The countryside was splendid with its intermittent hills and valleys of green on one side and the ocean on the other. Sonny had visited the Louvre and seen its artistic treasures and she had thought the Eiffel Tower was one of the most magnificent sights in the world, but the honest beauty of Northern California dazzled her.

It was a pleasant drive and they spoke very little, each absorbed in their own thoughts. Things were happening so fast now that Pierre was here, that Sonny needed time to think.

Pierre was enchanted with Carmel. The quaint stores and tree lined streets shaded them from the early afternoon sun. They walked along the street, looking in windows and then he saw a dress that captured his attention.

The salesperson inside the dress shop looked approvingly at Pierre, and then noted Sonny would need a size seven. Sonny liked the soft fabric that was draped easily.

"Please try it on, Sondra," Pierre coaxed with an air of authority that he was so accustomed to using with his models.

"I have no place to wear something like this.

No Pierre, I have enough clothes."

Pierre smiled warmly at the clerk, and then began making small talk about the garments in her stock. He made several suggestions as to the trends that would be changed by the following year, and the dark haired woman listed, captivated. Sonny wished that he would keep his opi'nions to himself. She suddenly wanted to leave.

After giving the woman his business card he reached for her hand, kissing it lightly. Stop it, Sonny thought, you're being ridiculous.

Outside, she locked her arm through his and guided him along the street. She would be careful to avoid any more dress shops.

"American women are wonderfully charming," Pierre said, reaching down to kiss her on the

forehead. "Especially you, Sondra."

"Honestly, you think you can charm your way into every woman's heart." She laughed lightly, remembering how un-charmed Katy had been with him.

"No, not at all. I like meeting beautiful women, and if I am charming, then that is very good."

"Are you tired of looking around yet?" Sonny asked wearily.

Her feet were still recuperating from the night before and she wanted to get back home.

"Perhaps I have seen enough of this town. But, I have a propositon to make and I want to tell you over dinner."

"What kind of proposition?" Sonny asked, her interest piqued.

Over dinner, Pierre asked permission to have a party at

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