O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,31

between horse and owner was something he had not experienced and she could never put that into words.

It was a feeling of commitment that came with the territory.

"Ah, yes…Midnight, the magical colt who had stolen you away from me. When can I be properly introduced to this rival?"

"As soon as possible," Sonny agreed happily. Pierre smiled affectionately at Sonny, noticing

the fire and determination that burned in her blue eyes. There was more here than was rising to the surface and he was certain he would have to be very careful. He now had a fighting Irishman and a beautiful horse to contend with. The sooner she left Pinebrook, the better off they both would be.

Sonny was exhausted by the time she returned home. It had been good to see Pierre again and to talk and make plans for his designs. But, it had not been as stimulating as an early morning ride on horse-back with the fingers of the wind caressing her hair nor had it filled her with the warm exultation of a foal trying to stand on new legs. The sky had been filled with stars tonight, but surely they weren't the same ones she and Michael had seen only last week The full moon that had one night illuminated the darkness now seemed small and far away. Her existence, which had been filled with sweat and hard work and raw emotions, now seemed bland by comparison. What on earth had been happening to her these past three months.

What indeed.


"Get up I"

Sonny felt the sudden chill as Michael pulled the thick comforter from her bed. Bolting up, she grabbed the sheet and pulled it to her neck.

"Michael what are you doing in my bedroom?"

He stood at the foot of the bed with the comforter held securely in his large hands. The features on his face were tight and the expression in his dark eyes was like that of a predator.

"If you think for one minute that you can just come in here anytime, you are wrong."

"You're late. There's work to be done" Michael said

"I am half owner of this farm, and if I choose to sleep in a little later there is nothing you can say or do about it." She looked up into his face and she found herself filling with seething indignation. Michael watched her with and uncompromising expression.

"Get dressed." He reached for the jeans and shirt that were thrown onto the chair by her bed, throwing them at her. "I'll get dressed when I feel like it. Now get out of my bedroom"

Michael dropped the comforter to the floor and walked over to the chair by her bed, grabbed the jeans and shirt and threw them at her.

Sonny had regained her composure and was now fully awake. She seethed with indignation as Michael watched her with an uncompromising expression.

"I'll get dressed when I am ready, Michael!" She had not loosened her grip on the sheet and she now wondered why she was so nervous. Just having him at her side was filling her mind with thoughts that should not be there. This man had entered her private space and was demanding that she come down to the stables and work. Imagine, she, who was the true heiress to the farm and he was telling her,..no, demanding that she do whatever he wanted. She would not let her pesky feelings get in the way,

After all, it was time she take a stand.

"Do I have to dress you myself?" he asked,

"You need to go. Your actions will greatly dictate my decision at the end of the six months."

Michael's mouth was set and he looked at her with such disdain that it made her shiver. Life would have been so much easier if her father had not written that will. She would have been here, signed the papers and put the farm up for sale. In fact she would already have been in Paris, back to her normal life.

"You won't make it to the end, Sonny. You don't have what it takes to run this place. How can you when you spend all day doing whatever it was you did in San Francisco "

"You're jealous, aren't you Michael, Pierre has a career, and he is one of the most influential newcomers to the fashion scene."

"I don't have a so-called career. What I have is a fulfilling life that is shared with some of the most remarkable animals on the face of this Earth.

"Life doesn't have to be

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