O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,18

Pierre and the straight features, the immaculately trimmed hair but her mind kept going back to Michael O'Brien. The full wavy hair, heavy eyebrows and the rough hands that had held her in such a gently way flooded her memory.

As hard as she tried, Sonny could not get Michael out of her mind. She hoped with all her heart the Pierre's visit would help her rememeber the things that awaited her in Paris.

When sleep finally came, her dreams were not filled with Pierre and the glittering fashion world, but with the face of a colt named Midnight and the man whose touch had warmed her heart.


"We'll bring him in from pasture now," Michael said. "Midnight has to learn to be handled."

Sonny watched proudly as the young colt, who by now was able to stand quite nicely, followed Graceful Lady's every move. Each and every day, Midnight grew stronger and was now galloping alongside his mother, the strong muscles of his body already quite pronounced.The two of them trotted, their heads held erect, their freshly groomed coats glistening in the morning sun. It was a magnificently beautiful sight as the wind blew through the silky manes of both of the chestnut Thoroughbreds.

"Look at him go, Michael. And just two weeks ago, he couldn't even stand." Sonny's face lit up with joy as she watched. It had become so much a part of her day to spend at least three sessions with Midnight, getting him used to human touch, becoming friends and gaining his respect and trust. Sonny had been told how important this period was in the final disposition of the animal. With frequent handling he would become pliable and easy to command.

"In a month, we'll begin to halter train him,"

Michael said.

"Why so soon? Can't we just let him run free a little longer?"

"No. He was bred for speed and to run and

he'll have a craving for that. To do less with him would be an injustice."

Sonny shook her blond head. "Injustice to the horse, or to you?"

Michael frowned and then his mouth turned up at the corners. "You're so skeptical, aren't you Sonny?"

You think all I care about is the purses and the titles this horse can win."

"Well, aren't you?" she challenged.

"Partly. To say I didn't care would be a lie. But, what I really enjoy is the pure line of Thoroughbreds which have been carefully protected by trainers and breeders like your father. You can't sell that or buy that at any price. You have to love the animal first."

"Nice speech," Sonny said as she turned her nose up.

Michael reached down and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as he passed by. "Why, thank you. Nicest compliment I've had today."

Sonny smiled in spite of herself. She turned to watch Graceful Lady galloping about with Midnight following close behind. The plush green grass was in complete harmony with the tall pine trees that surrounded the farm. Taking a deep breath, Sonny hoped to avert Michael's attention which was focused on her. She could feel the warmth of his glaze and she instinctively looked over her shoulder.

There was nothing about Michael that should make her feel this way, she told herself, but he had always been a part of her life and his face had haunted her since the day she had left for Paris. He was twenty-three when she left, and dating young women. Sonny had hoped he would notice her, but he hadn't, and she had watched him from the window of her bedroom as her young heart had ached for him.

It was all so silly. Here she was, letting her emotions rule her mind, when she knew that he wanted Pinebrook for himself. He had told her once that his dream was to own his own horses and stables, and Sonny's father had made that dream become a reality. The problem was keeping her mind on business and not on Michael O'Brien.

As Michael moved closer to Sonny, his hand moved to her shoulder and he genltly pulled her toward him. She was so soft and caring when they were working with the animals and he longed to hold her again. His mind was filled with all sorts of things that should not be there, but he couldn't stop himself from wanting her.

Michael only had a few months left in which to show her how wonderful this life could be, and so far he had failed miserably. Although Michael had always had his choice of women,

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