O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,17

get the job done. That colt has to be trained and it must start immediately. Which, incidentally, is how we make our living, in case you hadn't noticed."

"Michael, is that all you can think about?

Your precious half in Pinebrook Farm is not going to be threatened because I choose to be terribly moved by that little colt."

"Sentiment is fine, in its place. But while you're up here feeling all warm and wonderful, there's the practical side of the matter. And I'm not going to have it fall squarely on my shoulders. Unless your friend Pierre would like to come and help us."

"You leave Pierre out of this."

"Why? You can't even leave him out."

Michael's words were harsh.

"He has more important things to do," Sonny added mockingly.

Michael loomed before her in the darkness, his face silhouetted against the sky. When he spoke his voice was filled with quiet emphasis. "More important than working with a magnificent animal at the break of dawn, or more enlightening that watching the foaling of a future champion? No, Sonny, Pierre has nothing important to do."

Before she could answer, Michael had turned and walked away. How dare he be so changeable with her?

She deserved this time to be happy and Midnight was now as much a part of her as she was of Pinebrook.She could not understand Michael's constant need to criticize Pierre, whom he hadn't even met. It was unfair and unnecessary and she intended to bring a halt to it. Tomorrow.

Right now, Sonny felt exhausted and she wanted to relax. After soaking in a hot tub, she slipped into her grown and sat cross-legged on her bed. She wanted to call Pierre with the news. He wouldn't mind the early morning interruption when he learned wonderful things had turned out.

When Sonny heard the tired voice at the other end of the line, she wondered if she had done the right thing. But, when she began to tell Pierre about the colt, she was too excited to stop talking.

"Pierre, it was the most wonderful experience. You should have been here."

"No, darling, you should be here!" Pierre's mellow voice was firm and the familiar French accent made her feel as if they were worlds apart.

"We named him Midnight, and he's dark chestnut and has the cutest white markā€¦"

"I do not wish to offend you, Sondra, but may we discuss this tomorrow?"

Sonny stopped in mid-sentence and. It had all been so wonderfully incredible and Pierre was tired.

After all, she had awakened him and he must have gone to bed quite late.

She felt impatient with herself for always being so impulsive and never thinking things through. She could have waited just a few hours more and then told him her news.

"Pierre, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called."

"I am coming to New York in a few weeks and then on to San Francisco to show my new line. I will telephone you in a week or so to make arrangements."

Sonny's heart skipped a few beats and she caught her breath. "You're coming here?" she half whispered.

"Yes, darling and we will discuss this arrangement of yours." His voice sounded a little strange and Sonny felt an urge to defend herself. But against what? She was bound to stay, by the terms of the will, and she had explained that to Pierre.

Perhaps it was just Michael that he resented.

Sonny could not sleep after talking with Pierre. Her mind kept going back to Michael and the way he had worked with Graceful Lady. The memory of his muscular arms as they had so expertly maneuvered the baby to a safe position still haunted her. She had always imagined him as a hardened man, but the gentleness and kindness she had seen dismayed and confused her.

Sonny looked up at the mirror over her dresser and saw her unkempt reflection staring back at her.

The ends of her hair were split from pulling it back with rubber bands. The nature of her work on the farm did not call for carefully styled hair and she had found the casual dress to be quite comfortable.

She needed a good conditioning and her face was dry from working outdoors so much. Pierre would be expecting to see her in the same condition she had left, and as Sonny looked down at the short nails that were in desperate need of a good manicure, she knew that it would take hard work to be ready for Pierre's visit.

Sonny closed her eyes and tried to visualize the tall, slender body of

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