O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,16

wanted to feel the warmth of Michael's arms around her once again.

"We'll have a fine stallion here, Sonny."

"You sound like a proud, bragging father."

"I am. This colt will make racing history.

Just look at his coloring and the lines of his body."

The colt was a deep chestnut color, just like his mother. He had a streak of white just between his eyes and around his left leg. He was distinctive and beautiful. Sonny watched him with an emotion that was somewhere between love and exultation.

She and Michael moved over to the bucket of water, cleaning their hands.

"It's a wonderful thing, isn't it Sonny. Foaling is the new hope that all horsemen thrive on."

Sonny turned to look up into Michael's face. What a marvelously rugged face, she thought, scanning every line with her eyes. If she had felt ill toward him earlier that day, it was over now. All she could see at this moment was the kind and gentle man who had worked so diligently to deliver the baby. And all she could feel were the warm currents of shocks that raced through her body when he touched her.

"Michael, I've never done anything like this before." Her lips trembled.

"I know." He pulled her to him and cradled her in the warmth of his chest. Sonny was beyond thinking and she molded the soft curve of her body into his and her arms went around him, touching his back and drying her tears on the warmth of his shirt.

Michael bent down to kiss her lightly on the forehead. There were no words to be spoken at that moment and they both watched in silcne as the foal, content from his first efforts at nursing, lay down to sleep.

"What shall we name him?" Michael asked.

"It's almost twelve, Michael. Can we call him Midnight?"

He nodded his approval just before his lips touched hers. Moments later they left Lady and her baby and went outside. The night air felt cool against Sonny's warm face. She had walked this path back up to the house many times before, but now there was a spring to her step.

"I feel like dancing, Michael… or maybe singing, shouting. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, I do. Come on, and I'll walk you up to the house."

Michael strode along beside her and she felt that this night should go on forever. Whatever this wonderful feeling was, she didn't want to lose it. Not now.

"I'm not even tired, Michael. Can you imagine?"

"That's a normal reaction," Michael said smiling. "Especially your first time."

"You were pretty excited too. I could see it in your face," Sonny teased.

"All right, so I did. Every time there's a new life, there's new hope."

"Hope for that Triple Crown you're always talking about?"

"Mostly that, but the breeding of good Thoroughbreds goes on. Without it, they wouldn't be the wonderfully pure animals they are today."

Sonny opened the gate of the white fence that enclosed the Mead house, and took the final few steps up to the back door. What was the feeling that now held her so tightly, she could barely breathe?

Sonny had thought her first photo session with Pierre was the most thrilling day of her life…until now. And recalling that, she could not remember wanting to laugh or cry. There was a distinct difference and she knew it.

"Well, it's been wonderful, Michael. I know it's late but I'm going to call Pierre right away. I can hardly wait to tell him what's happened."

Sonny was busy inserting the key into the lock, and did not feel Michael's body pull away from her side. She was too busy thinking about the handsome colt she had just witnessed and missed the look of disappointment that came into his eyes.

"Be ready early tomorrow," he said gruffly. " We have to begin work with Midnight."

"Michael, why are you being so…" Sonny turned to him and the wonderful aura that had surrounded her until this moment seemed to shatter into a million pieces.

"And get the stars out of your eyes. It was great, it's over and now its back to work."

The warmth and compassion Sonny had witnessed in Michael earlier in the evening was all vanishing and his arrogant personality was coming through. Unfortunately, she had hoped it would last. It would have made their partnership so much more bearable.

"How can you be so callous?" Sonny's blue eyes burned with indignation as she turned to him, her face illuminated by the light of the moon.

"Because walking with your head in the stars won't

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