O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,15

to stand still.

"Michael…I don't know what to do." Sonny was filled with panic and her feet seemed planted to the ground.

"Get a bucket of water, plastic gloves and some sponges. Quick."

Sonny ran to the far end of the barn where she filled the bucket nearly full with fresh water. Her hands had begun to tremble and the enormity of what was about to happen filled her with apprehension.

Where was Will O'Brien? If she was to be Michael's helper, then what would become of Graceful Lady?

Her mind was filled with unanswered questions and she carried the supplies back to where Michael stood. His jaw had tightened and there was an inner light that seemed to fill his broad face.

"She'll go any minute now," he said quietly as he glanced at his watch. "By eleven we should have ourselves a new champion."

Sonny tugged at Michael's sleeve. "Where's your father?"

"Had to drive to Sacramento. He'll be back tomorrow." Michael glanced over at her and his mouth turned up at the corners. "So, you're all I've got tonight. You'll have to help deliver this one."

Sonny watched, mesmerized, and Michael continued to talk to Graceful Lady. His voice seemed to calm the animal. From the outside Sonny could hear the occasional whinny of the other horses who were bedded down for the night in the main barn. Except for their sounds and the labored breathing of theLady, the night was still.

The wind rustled in the tall pines and Sonny felt a chill that moved up her arms and then down her legs. Although she wasn't sure if it was from the chill of evening or the wonder of what was happening.

Graceful Lady, whose deep chestnut coat was now beaded with sweat, suddenly stopped. She turned slightly, and then lowered her huge body onto the fresh hay. She began to push and then paused, waiting for Michael's encouragement. And then she pushed again.

"Good girl," Michael said. "We're almost finished. Just keep it up."

Lady's large brown eyes seemed wide with effort and then she lay her head back against her bedding. Beads of sweat had formed on Michael's forehead and instinctively, Sonny sensed that something was not right.

"What is it, Michael?" Sonny dropped to a kneeling position next to him.

"I think the foot is curled under," he said with a thick voice. "Have to move it."

Every muscle in Michael's face was taut. He would have to move quickly to save the foal. Sonny was too frightened to speak and she watched in silence as Michael reached inside the animal to correct the position of the foal. Michael worked diligently, his face red and his mouth clenched.

The chill that Sonny had felt earlier was now being replaced with a rush of heat that filled her cheeks.

"What's happening?" Sonny's voice caught in her throat and watched the determination and concern on Michael's face.

"It's got to come feet first, with the head tucked between the legs."

"Can we do it, Michael?"

Sonny watched, helpless, as Michael continued his exploration, the dark hair on his arms now covered with sweat. The gleam in his eyes had been replaced with concern and Sonny held her breath and waited.

"There. It's ready now. Grab the leg and help me cradle the head."

Sonny responded numbly and the beats of her heart came irregularly, causing her to gasp at the air that seemed to thin. As the foot appeared, she reached for it with one hand while guiding it carefully with the other. Michael's large hands were around the other foot and the two of them cradled the head which was now between its legs."Quickly," Michael whispered, "ease em' out."

Sonny's heart was pounding. Carefully, as Graceful Lady tensed every muscle in her large body, she gave one last shove.

It was finally over.

The foal lay on the clean hay and Michael threw a towel to Sonny. "Here, we have to wipe em' down."

She reached for the towel, and followed Michael's lead. His face was still tight and his dark eyes burned with an excitement she had never before seen. She was enthralled with his assurance and the love that he had shown for the baby that now lay at their feet.

After the two of them wiped down the coat of the foal, Michael smiled. "There, that should get the circulation going."

He sat back on his heels and watched with interest and amusement in his eyes. The long, spider-like legs seemed incongruous with the large body and the baby wobbled before he fell again.

Sonny's own legs were unsteady and she

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