O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,14

good," Sonny said as she popped her head around the kitchen door.

"That it is. I brought a little Irish stew for you and some of my warm soda bread." Katy was heating the meal on the electric range and slicing a loaf of freshly baked bread.

Katy placed the bowl of stew in front of Sonny and put the bread basket in the center of the table. They chattered about the weather and several other conversational topics before Katy finally approached the subject of Michael, trying to find out what Sonny's feelings about him were.

"Michael's always workin' himself to death," Katy said, "what he needs is the love of a good woman. "

Sonny looked into the dark eyes across from her that were filled with specks of merriment and mischief. She always knew when Katy was trying to make a point, because her accent became quite heavy and she resorted to her native language patterns.

"I'm not that woman, Katy."

"Now, did I say you were? I was just makin' a statement. Take it as you will."

"Michael and I don't see eye to eye on much of anything. Or haven't you noticed?" Sonny savored a bite of hot stew.

Katy pushed her brows into a frown, then leaned forward on her elbows. "You're fighting over this farm. Now you've got to be gettin' on with other things." Sonny smiled wickedly. "Like what?" she asked.

"Marriage, and maybe a baby or two." "You know what I'm talkin' about."

Yes, Sonny knew all too well. Even if she and Michael could work out their differences, which she doubted, there would be no time in his life for a woman, much less a child. It would be just like it had been with her father. She would be left alone most of the time, and neglected. And Sonny wanted to be loved. That was more important to her than anything.

What she felt for Pierre was not love, but at least it was comfortable and he was there when she needed him. He represented the security she needed and also the glamour she desired. Sonny wanted to tell Katy that, but she knew it would only hurt her.

After the dishes were washed and put away, Katy went back home and Sonny kept herself busy in her newly arranged dark room. She worked for almost two hours, developing the film she had taken of Graceful Lady. Her work was very good, and not one picture turned out bad.

As Sonny hung the paper to dry, she noticed the subtle changes in the chestnut horse. Will had said her time was very near and this morning, they had talked of moving her to the double-stalled brood barn.

The moment of birth was going to be exciting and Sonny had informed both Michael and Will that she wanted more than anything to be there with Graceful Lady.

Later that evening, Sonny brushed her long blond hair and changed into a white fleecy robe, which she tied around her waist. She felt like sitting for awhile with a good book and promptly curled up on the chair next to her bed and began to read.

At ten o'clock the phone rang, piercing the quiet and Sonny almost jumped when she heard the sound. Michael's voice at the other end was excited and he said only two words before hanging up.

"She's ready!"


Sonny cursed herself for not grabbing a flashlight, but there hadn't been time to think of anything. All the weeks of caring for Graceful Lady and waiting for this event were about to be realized.

The path was dark except for the little reflection from the full moon. Sonny crept along, tripping occassionally on rocks and branches as she made her way down the hill.

Adrenalin pumped through her veins and she became numb with anticipation. Her heart beat against her chest and she hurried to the brood barn which shown with light, guiding her through the darkness like a lighthouse that stands alone.

She entered the barn, slightly out of breath and was immediately surrounded with the smell of fresh hay and heavy sweat.

Graceful Lady was pacing in her stall, her nostrils flared and her shoulders glistening with moistness.

"Steady old gal." Michael's voice was unusually calm and he moved easily. He seemed ready to help while not wanting to intrude on the animal's natural instincts.

Sonny hurried to his side and watched with a mixture of fear and excitement welling up in her.

"I'll need your help," Michael said. His eyes never left the sight of the horse and he continued

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