Oath Sworn - K.N. Banet Page 0,15

got killed because of the Duty. Even failing the Duty wouldn’t be grounds to kill me, though I had no intention of failing.

“Jacky Leon?” The voice was rich and calm, but tired. I could read the exhaustion in it, just by those two words.

“That’s right. I take it you’ve gotten my message.”

“It was explained to me. Where are you? I can send—”

I pulled the phone away for a second, giving it a confused look. “Excuse me? No? Why don’t you tell me your name? Let’s start easy here.”

“I’m Harrison, Alpha of the Atlanta Pack. Forgive me, but you bring good news and we just wish to secure her—”

“She’s secure now, and if you try to find and take her from me, I will consider it an act against her safety,” I said softly, dangerously, letting violence roll through those words, knowing they would be clear. “Don’t try to take her from me before I’m ready, wolf.”

A moment of silence, at least over the call between us. Not complete silence, though. I could hear people talking in the background. I knew the call would have people listening.

“Then let me assist you. We will announce that she has been found and put into protective custody. What would be the terms by which you will accept that your Duty is over?” He was diplomatic and calm, but I didn’t trust it. Really, in that moment, there were very few people I would trust. A life was my responsibility. I had no idea what threat level I was facing, therefore everything was a threat.

“There are a few factors,” I began, taking a deep breath. “First, peace needs to be established in Dallas-Fort Worth. I don’t care who’s in charge, honestly, but peace. That way no one is feeling unstable and thinks to strike out against her in the future. Second, I would like someone of her family available—or all of them proven dead. I don’t care how long that takes, but I need confirmation, because I won’t hand her off to a family friend when I could give her to her father or brother.” I considered if there was anything else. “Just so we’re clear, I do have immunity from any repercussions that would come from me protecting my charge. That comes from the Laws.”

“I understand the Laws,” the wolf replied politely. “I will not have you get into any trouble for doing your sworn Duty, cat, unless you overstep them, like getting involved with the war itself. Don’t forget your immunity only goes so far.” He sounded severe, but sighed. “I agree with your terms, but they could take some time. Are you sure this is the course you wish to set yourself upon?”

I glanced at the little girl on my couch. “I’m positive.”

“Okay. Please stay in touch with me. I will let you know if we catch any hunting packs leaving Dallas-Fort Worth that may be of concern to any felines in the state. Your phone number isn’t even a Texas number. Did you know that?”

I grinned. “Of course I did. Do you think I’m an idiot?” I got the cellphone in Georgia, actually. He could trace me, certainly, but he also knew that coming after me would lead to dead wolves and a war. Or at least I hoped he knew that. “Don’t track me.” I figured the warning was necessary.

“We haven’t been. I don’t know if you keep up with the current Laws as they are applied to modern times, but once a feline on Duty declares they want privacy for their charge, using modern technology is considered just as criminal as using our noses.” He was tired now and obviously a little shocked I didn’t know that.

“Consider me paranoid.” I had known, but it was always worth putting out the warning in my mind. No one could play the fool if the line was drawn early. “Goodbye.”

I hung up before he said anything else. I didn’t owe them anything more than that courtesy call, and that was all they were going to get. I looked around my apartment and decided it would be a fine time to get some work done. Carey was still asleep, and I left her on the couch so I could see her. I ducked into my office to grab my books and laptop, using the rest of the night to make sure my personal life wouldn’t go to hell while I did this.


Chapter Four

I don’t know exactly when I fell asleep, but I know

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