Oath of the Alpha - Eva Dresden Page 0,77

villagers screaming and his soldiers drawing their swords.

“She’s only unconscious, Your Majesty,” Maruk said through panting breaths, a livid bruise decorating his cheek as he leaned closer to inspect Aida without touching her. “She’s overspent herself is all.”

“Do something,” Er’it demanded, hearing his voice crack and not caring a whit about it as he struggled to his feet. Just directing such energy had sapped him of his physical strength. The very idea that his sweet, tender Aida could even contain such power was horrifying.

“She must rest, Your Majesty. Sleep is all that she needs in this moment.”

“I order you to do something!”

“You know there’s naught he can do, boy,” Tor’en said, weak and shivering within his many layers despite the pervasive warmth.

It was then Er’it noticed the grayed cast of the people surrounding them. The village Elders, wilted and huddled, stared at Aida with unmitigated terror. Er’it’s remaining mages and no few villagers also kept their wary gaze snagged upon his sleeping Omega.

They feared her.

Er’it’s lip curled in a savage snarl, a growl grinding from his chest as he held Aida tight and backed away from the onlookers. Her slack weight still little burden to him, the overwhelming need to protect her gave him strength. With power enough to keep them all at bay if need be, he tucked his tiny female against a hip to have at least one arm free.

“Majesty,” Ath’asho murmured. Staying well outside the sphere of Er’it’s brutal presence, the general’s silent nod directed his king to a place offering some measure of safety.

The ruins of Er’it’s tent, far from grand after its long journey and Aida’s rages, still offered privacy, a sanctuary where he could tend his mate among the softness and warmth she so enjoyed.

Not until he had her stripped out of the dirty clothing and dressed in a long tunic did Er’it realize the strange word that filtered through his thoughts. Mate. Foreign and awkward on his tongue when he murmured it aloud, it still suited. Shoving the heavy blankets into a loose circle and stacking the smaller cushions around Aida, he created a ring of comfort and shelter. It didn’t seem right. Feeling as though something about it was wrong but unable to pinpoint what was so jarring, he left it as it was. Flinging his clothes away, he curled up under the thick duvet with Aida, curling his body around hers so that no inch of her remained exposed to the cruelties lying in wait outside the flimsy protection of sundered canvas.

Soldiers circled the tent, and he knew Ath’asho would allow none to enter. Not even the mages or Maruk could sway the dedication and steadfastness of Er’it’s friend and general. Calming somewhat with that knowledge, he tugged the blanket up over their heads to create a dark den for them to rest within. It muffled the noises from outside well enough, and the faint wrinkles of Aida’s brow smoothed as she settled against him. Nose tucked tight against his arm, her lips moved in a sleepy kiss that had him hard and aching within moments.

Knowing it was neither the time nor place, Er’it closed his eyes and murmured every prayer he’d ever been taught.

It took Aida the rest of that day and well into the next to rouse from her unnatural slumber. No amount of cajoling, threats, or curses could wake her until then. Her scent became more incredible as each minute ticked past, overwhelming him until it took all of his control to not mount her as she slept. As she cupped his aching length against her rounded ass, it was upon a rather vicious string of threats to keep her tied to a bed and never let her leave it again that she moaned her way awake and rolled over to face him.

As she looked at him with those midnight eyes, visible somehow even in the darkness he provided, Er’it saw them twinkle. Laughter made the starshine sparkle as if she understood his pain and found it amusing.

“I will do it,” he whispered into the gloom, tracing the line of her jaw with his fingertips. Uncertain how she could understand him since he spoke in his mother’s tongue, he knew she did all the same. His mate would forever understand him, and he knew that, too.

She hummed her agreement, though to his words or his thoughts, Er’it wasn’t certain. He didn’t much care, either, as Aida wriggled closer and pressed her nose against his neck to take in

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