Oath of the Alpha - Eva Dresden Page 0,68

belt and vowed to clothe her in a dress the next time he allowed her any clothing at all. For now, he would live between her straining thighs and glut himself on her glorious scent.

Her dainty palm connecting with his cheek brought him from the hazy arousal with the same effectiveness as a bucket of ice water. He roared at the challenge, amazed when Aida voiced a broken growl and shoved at his chest. Er’it got his knees under him to pull her beneath his weight, his grip on the cursed belt bowing her back from the cushions. Sparks of blue light snapped through the air, showering down around them as Aida snarled and slammed her fists against his chest and shoulders.

“No!” Aida screamed. Her hand missing its mark, the tight fist thumped against the side of Er’it’s neck.

“You will stop this at once,” Er’it said through a growl, putting their faces close. Inhaling deep through his nose, he took in her incredible snow and spring scent and wondered at the languid heat pervading his limbs. Losing himself in it and her, he buried his face against her neck with a vicious call resonating through his chest and into hers.

Still, she denied him, snarling and hissing as she pummeled his head and shoulders. Er’it sensed the movement of her leg seconds before she acted. Dropping the unforgiving weight of his body onto hers, he pinned the offending knee to the cushion before Aida could strike.

Raising his head, Er’it pinched her cheeks between his fingers to keep her blazing eyes focused on his. “What do you think you are doing?”

Aida had the audacity to look unconcerned as she jerked her head, trying to pry her chin from his fingers. Pursed lips mangling her words, she managed to snarl, “Stopping you from hurting me.”

Er’it gave a slow blink before releasing her. Easing his body back, he kept a hand splayed over her thighs until he was well clear of any danger they might present before he sat back on his heels. Brows drawn down into a tight line, he contemplated his little Omega as she scrambled away to huddle against the large chests. It was a defensive move, keeping her back to a solid object so he couldn’t attack from behind.

That was what she felt. Er’it knew it down to the marrow of his bones. Aida saw his touch and need as an assault. Lips thinning, he realized the idea did not give him near as much satisfaction as it might have.

Giving a short roar of dissatisfaction at the turn of events, at the way his insides churned and twisted, Er’it launched to his feet and stormed from the tent. In search of something that did not make bile sear the back of his throat as a cold chill swept through him, he stumbled upon Tor’en and his small fire, where a bevy of young men listened with rapt attention to some story. Most of them exaggerated if not complete falsehoods, they never ceased to entertain or amaze.

The veritable light flickered on within his thoughts, an entire sun’s worth of it puffing his chest as he changed directions and stalked back to the tent. Aida was just uncurling from her defensive posture when he stormed through the flap. Her indelicate squawk of fear was as jagged lightning stabbing into his heart and lungs. Precious organs locked in crackling fire, he gritted his teeth and hauled her after him without hesitating to explain. Dragging Aida the last few yards, Er’it kicked her feet out from under her to deposit Aida close to the fire. Still far from the young men who stared at the ground between their upturned knees with wide, terrified eyes, he placed her close enough she would not feel left out.

“Tell them the one about the sandstorm,” Er’it ground out before he dropped to a crouch behind Aida to keep her penned against the warmth offered by the flickering flames.

Chapter 13


Narrowed eyes peering from the deep well of the fur she used as a cloak, Aida stared at her captor and master from the safety of the cart. She didn’t trust this new turn in his behavior but couldn’t fathom what game he played.

While she could never accuse him of being soft or gentle, his actions were far less harsh. He smiled at her often, something that seemed to disturb many of their troop. He not only allowed but encouraged her to speak with Tor’en and Maruk, insisting she take

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