NYPD Red 6 - James Patterson Page 0,67

said. “He would have been happy with a lot less. But he didn’t want me to think that I was worth less. So somewhere along the way, twenty-five million became the magic number.

“The first time he talked to Jamie, it went the way Bobby expected it to. He knew Jamie would ask for proof of life. But after the second call, Bobby was furious. He couldn’t believe that Jamie had reached out to his mother, and she hadn’t even returned his phone call.

“Bobby was pissed at Veronica. He started to get nervous that he’d never get any money. That’s when he came up with the idea to get the network to pay the ransom. He asked me who he should talk to, and I said Harris Brockway but that the best way to get to him was to call his wife, Anna, who is my manager.”

“And did he call Anna?”

“He had me make the call. God, she was so happy to hear from me, and then she put Brock on the phone, and he negotiated with Bobby.”

“Did you hear the conversation?”

“Every word. Bobby had it on speaker. He wanted five million for another video, but Brock said he could only authorize a million on his own. Anything more than that, and he’d have to ask his bosses, but he didn’t think they’d go for it. So Bobby took the deal.”

“Did Brockway pay the million?”

“Oh yeah. Otherwise Bobby wouldn’t have made the second video. He had one of those offshore banking accounts in Belize, and Brock wired him the money. Then ZTV did that horrible Erin in Exile show with that asshole psychologist who said I stole Jamie from Veronica and now that she had him back, why did she need me and the baby?

“Bobby and I watched it together. I think that’s when buyer’s remorse set in. He hated the network for only paying him a million. He said Brock was jerking him around. He didn’t want the money in small increments. He said he knew how to fix everything. He locked me up and left the house. I think that must have been when he decided to eliminate Veronica.”

“Did he tell you he was going to kill her?”

“Oh God, no. I would have tried to talk him out of it. I didn’t like her, but Jamie loved her. It’s so sad. He blames himself for her death.”

“What happened when Bobby came back to the house?”

“He told me our problems were over. He said Veronica was dead, and Jamie had plenty of money to pay the ransom. But I knew better. It could be months, maybe years before Jamie sees a dime of his inheritance, and I knew that once Bobby found that out, he would go berserk. I didn’t know if he would kill Brock or Jamie or me or all of us. That’s when I got my blade and went to the shower. I swear on my baby’s life that I didn’t want to kill him, but I …”

“But you what?” I said.

She looked at me, reluctant to go on.

“Erin, this is important. It explains your state of mind.”

She nodded. “I didn’t want to kill him, but … I gave up hope that you would ever find me.”

She wasn’t trying to be hurtful, but the statement still felt like a stake through my heart. Another reminder that we had failed. But this time I didn’t retreat into doubt and self-pity. I remembered the words of wisdom passed on to me the night before by my psychologist/girlfriend: Suck it up, buttercup.

I stood. Kylie wanted to get out as much as I did and was on her feet a second later.

“Erin, I wish we had been able to do more for you,” I said, “but you’re a brave and resourceful woman, and we appreciate your taking the time to relive your ordeal with us. I think we have what we need, but can we give you a call if anything comes up?”

It’s our standard exit line, and people are so happy to see us leave that they always say yes.

“Of course,” she said. “Anytime.”

Kylie and I didn’t say a word till we got to the car. Then I dialed ADA Bill Harrison and put him on speaker.

“Bill, it’s Kylie and Zach,” I said. “I know it’s Sunday, but this can’t wait.”

“Go for it.”

“Harris Brockway told us that the kidnapper sent him that second proof-of-life video with a warning to air it or he’d kill Erin.”


“We just got a statement from

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