NYPD Red 6 - James Patterson Page 0,10


“I’m on it,” Diaz said.

“Finding the truck isn’t going to help find Erin,” McMaster said. “This was no random snatch-and-grab. The person who did this carefully planned this whole thing. The clock on the security feed may be an hour off, but this guy showed up at the perfect time—when Erin was alone in her dressing room changing out of her wedding gown.”

“How could he even know when that was going to happen?” I said.

“All he’d have to do is follow her tweets.” McMaster said. “She doesn’t eat, sleep, pee, or shop without posting about it on social media.” He looked at his watch. “She’s been missing almost two hours. By now she’s been transferred out of the truck and onto another vehicle or a boat or a plane. Or, if he’s totally out of his gourd, she’s dead.”

“She’s not dead,” Kylie said. “He’s going to need proof of life when he makes the ransom call.”

“What makes you so sure he’s in it for the money?” McMaster said.

“Because he waited until after she’d married a millionaire to take her.”


HE WAITED UNTIL after she’d married a millionaire,” McMaster said, repeating Kylie’s logic. “I’d almost forgotten how smart you were.”

“Thanks,” she said. “Let’s go talk to our millionaire husband before the kidnapper gets to him.”

We stepped into the hall, where a uniformed cop was going at it with a civilian.

“I don’t give a rat’s ass who you know,” the cop said. “This is a crime scene. Turn off the camera or you’re walking out of here in cuffs.”

The man, about sixty, wasn’t taking orders. “Did you ever hear of the First Amendment? You shut me down, and I’ll have your job.”

“Declan, do you know that guy?” Kylie asked.

“Harris Brockway. He’s a suit with the network. He’s a pompous ass, but he’s got a lot of footage you’re going to want to get your hands on. I’d make nice.”

It was a politically savvy suggestion, but Kylie has never been good at making nice, especially with a pompous ass threatening a cop. “Officer,” she called out, jumping into the fray. “Can you do me a favor and give them a hand in the ballroom? I got this one. Thanks.”

The cop checked out the gold shield clipped to her blue dress, shrugged, and walked off.

Brockway checked out the blonde inside the dress, smiled, and turned on the charm.

“Harris Brockway, vice president of programming at Zephyr Television,” he said, waving for his cameraman to move in closer. “My friends call me Brock. And you are?”

“Detective Kylie MacDonald. That’s my partner, Zach Jordan. We’re investigating the disappearance of Ms. Easton, and you’re going to have to turn off that camera.”

“Please, Detective, you strike me as an intelligent woman. Do I really have to explain the First Amendment to you?”

“You mean the one where Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the press?” Kylie said. “No, I’ve got that one down. You can broadcast whatever you want. However, there are laws against interfering with a police investigation, which is exactly what you’re doing when you bring your camera into an active crime scene. Now, either tell your cameraman to turn it off or prepare to spend the night with him in a holding cell.”

The cameraman lowered his camera. “Hey, you work it out with her and the union, Mr. Brockway, but I didn’t sign on for no jail time.”

Brockway glared at Kylie. “Do you know how much ZTV has invested in this production?”

“I’m not here to help you put on a show, Mr. Brockway. I’ll tell you what I can do—I can impound your cameras right now and get a court order giving me access to all the footage you shot today. Or, if you’re willing to cooperate and provide me with copies, you can keep on shooting, just as long as you don’t point your lens at this side of the yellow tape.”

“Fine,” Brockway said, spitting out the word. “I’ll get you dupes.”

“And the script,” Kylie said.

“What script?” Brockway demanded.

“Mr. Brockway, I have a boss, and she has a boss, and so it goes, all the way up the chain of command to the police commissioner himself,” Kylie said. “Every one of them thinks like a cop, and eventually every one of them is going to ask the same question: ‘How do we know this isn’t a publicity stunt?’ ”

“Are you out of your mind?” Brockway said. “This is a reality show. There are no goddamn scripts. How could you even ask such a

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