Number Neighbors - Emma Hart Page 0,46

out of my room fully dressed. “I’ll text you in an hour or so. Does that work?”

I nodded then held up my finger so I could spit the toothpaste out of my mouth. “That’s fine,” I replied. “I’ll talk to you later, then.”

He looked at me for a moment longer, then stepped forward and kissed my cheek, not far from the corner of mouth. He said nothing else before he turned and left, disappearing down the stairs.

Well, that could have gone a lot more awkwardly this morning.

I rinsed my mouth out and wiped the sink. By the time I was done, the front door had opened and shut, and Isaac was gone.


“Here you go, Mr. Sanderson. Here’s your change.” I handed the old man his change and put the receipt in the bag for him. “I can’t wait to see what she makes next.”

He beamed at me. “A blanket for our new great-grandbaby.”

“Aw, congratulations.”

“Thanks, Hannah. Say hello to your grandmother for us, won’t you?”

“I sure will, sir. Have a lovely day!”

“You too, dear.” He waved and left the store, leaving the new door chime above the door jingling in his wake.

I sighed and looked around the store. It was lunchtime now and nobody was here, so I walked out from behind the register and flipped the sign on the door, then turned the key to lock it.

“All done?” Immy asked.

I nodded, walking through to the back to join her. She’d come in through the back door and the seating area smelled like tacos and coffee.

AKA, the closest thing to food heaven without there being wine involved.

I sat down in the sofa and grabbed the bag to unload the food. “How’s Grandma?”

“Fine. It was just a checkup for her blood pressure meds.” Immy sat down. “God knows why she’s on them. I’m the one who damn well needs them with her around.”

She wasn’t kidding. “Did you find out what happened last night?”

“Yeah, it’s exactly as we thought. They played one round of bingo, Evelyn won, and they all took off to the nearest bar which happened to be Pete’s. She admitted they planned on getting a cab back to the bingo hall before I said I’d pick them up.” She pursed her lips. “It’s absolutely ridiculous. I told her she’s grounded.”

“You grounded her?” I burst out laughing. “Oh, my God. I bet that went down well.”

“Like a brick on my head,” she admitted. “Did you see Isaac when you got home last night?”

My cheeks flamed.

Immy’s jaw dropped. “You saw all of him, didn’t you?”

I bit into my taco so I didn’t have to answer her. I was a grown up like that.

“Hannah!” She reached over and whacked me in the shoulder. “Tell me!”

I groaned, chewed, then swallowed. “Yes, okay? Fine. We had sex.”

She squealed. “Did he stay over?”

I nodded.

Another squeal. “Now what happens?”

“I… don’t know.” I sighed and put down the taco. “I really don’t. It’s not like we knew each other particularly well before this all happened. But he did know the plant I’ve been watering for years is actually fake.”

“The one by your TV?”


“Huh. I thought that was real.”

I held out my hands. “Same. Obviously. Anyway, I guess I don’t know. I’m feeling a little uncertain about it all, you know? I can’t decide if we’re just here because of all those text messages or not.”

“That makes sense. I mean, you’ve had a bit of a crush on him for ages, but I guess I’d feel the same way you do right now.”

I grimaced. “I don’t know how to bring it up either. I don’t want him to outright say he’s done now that I gave up the goods, but I also want to know whether there’s something real in all this or not.”

“How do you feel?”

“I like him,” I admitted, letting the words hang in the air for a moment. It was the first time I’d said it out loud, and it was only now that I realized just how true it was.

I liked Isaac.

I was growing real feelings for him, and now I was scared of what would happen.

“I really like him,” I continued. “He’s funny and handsome and that accent doesn’t hurt either.”

“Does he fuck in a British accent?” Immy asked, balking when I glared at her. “Sorry. I just wondered.”

“No, but he dirty talks during it in a British accent, so there’s that.”

“Nice.” She nodded slowly. “You might just have to get it over and done with. Just ask him how he feels, Hannah. You’re Copyright 2016 - 2024