Number Neighbors - Emma Hart Page 0,45

shouted back, now out of sight once again.

I stuffed the towel between my legs like the lady I was and flopped back down on the bed again.

All right.

Maybe there was.


The Morning After The Night Before

There was a huge lump of handsome, toned, British male next to me in my bed, and I wasn’t mad about it at all.

I’d have to be insane if I was.

I was, however, apprehensive. I didn’t know what would happen now—if last night was the result of our texts or if it had something real behind it. Or if it could have something behind it.

I had also never been much of a one-night stand girl before, so I wasn’t sure what to say.

“What time is it?” Isaac murmured sleepily, stirring next to me.

“Six-thirty,” I replied, putting my phone back on the side.

He groaned and rolled over. “I have to get up in ten minutes.”

“Sucks to be you.” I let him pull me into his arms, and I rolled over so that my head was on his chest. “I don’t have to wake up for another hour.”

“Let’s swap jobs.” He yawned, wrapping his arms around me tightly. “I’ll stay here and you can go and see all the tiny animals.”

“You have a duck in today, don’t you?”

I was kidding, but he laughed into my hair. “Yep,” he replied. “One of the farmers wants her newest duck to be checked over. God, I fucking hate ducks.”

It took everything in me not to curl up in a tight ball and laughing my fucking ass off. I just couldn’t put Isaac the dirty talker in the same bracket as Isaac the terrified of ducks.

I did want to see him treat a duck, though.

“I can’t say I have any idea how to give a duck a check-up.” I bit the inside of my cheek. “I doubt I’m very good at anything else to do with them, either. One kitten is enough for me.”

“I bet. He’s a handful, that’s for sure. The best kittens are, though.” He pressed a kiss to my jaw. “I need to get up before my cock gets up.”

I laughed, pulling the covers up over my face. “Good morning to you, too.”

His low chuckle followed him out of the room as he made his way into the bathroom. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and checked my notifications. As I was scrolling Instagram, a new message came through from Immy and I opened it.

IMMY: Can you be at the store for the delivery? Grandma JUST told me she has a doctor’s appointment at eight and needs me to take her

Damn it.

ME: Can’t Mason take her?

IMMY: No. He has a court case today.

ME: Tell him to try not to get himself locked up.

IMMY: LOL. Can you?

ME: Yes, but you owe me lunch. A good one.

IMMY: Fine. Grandma’s paying though.

ME: Damn right.

With a sigh, I put my phone back down and got out of bed. I was wearing nothing but panties and an oversized t-shirt, and I padded across the hallway to the bathroom.

“Knock knock,” I said in a bleary voice. “My boss wants me to work early. I need to shower.”

“Okay, hold on.” There was a moment of silence, then a flush. The tap ran in the sink, and he opened the door a second later. “Thought you didn’t have to get up for an hour?”

“Well, Grandma apparently has a doctor’s appointment at eight that Immy needs to take her to. I’d bet she forgot until now, too.” I shimmied past him into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush. “Sorry. Did you want to shower here?”

He shook his head. “I don’t have clean clothes. It’s fine. I’ll run home now, shower, and head to work. Do you want me to make an appointment for Lucifer to have his vaccines?”

I squirted paste on the brush. “Shoot. I guess he’s over his cold?”

“Well enough for them, and you really want to get them done so he can be neutered as soon as he’s old enough.”

“Sure. Text me the appointments you have and I’ll work something out.” I shoved the brush in my mouth and started cleaning my teeth.

Isaac stared at me for a moment. “You’re so pretty in the morning.”

I flipped him the bird. I knew for a fact I was not pretty this morning—my hair was scrunched into a twist on top of my head, there was smudged mascara around my eyes, and a pimple was forming on the crease of my nostril.

Yay, me.

Isaac came back Copyright 2016 - 2024