Now You See Her Page 0,59

to the station yesterday,” Liam apologized. “I wanted to, but Mr. Grogan was pretty upset about what happened, so I thought it best that I stay and help get things cleaned up. Then word got around about the fight and naturally we got real busy, so then it was impossible to get away.…”

“You don’t owe me any explanations.”

“I would have come if I could.”

“Believe me, you’ve done more than enough.”

“Were you able to get any sleep last night?” he asked.

“A bit.” Marcy felt an involuntary stirring between her legs.

“I see he found you,” Liam said, as if he’d felt it, too.

“What? Who?”

“That guy who’s been asking about you. Vic something-or-other. He stopped by Grogan’s again yesterday, asking more questions. Kelly told him about the altercation before I could stop her.”

“Yes. He found me.” Marcy swiveled around in her seat, stared out the rear window at the wall of cars and taxis behind them. Was Vic in one of them? she wondered. Was he following them?

“Stayed the night, did he?”

Marcy hesitated.

“Not that it’s any of my business,” he added.

“It’s not what you think,” she said.

A mischievous smile curled through Liam’s lips. “Thought we were through lyin’ to each other.”

Marcy sighed. “Okay, it’s exactly what you think.”

He laughed. “Well, good for you.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

“Why not? He’s a nice-looking man, rich, obviously madly in love with you.”

“What? No. That’s ridiculous. We barely know each other. We just met last week. On a bus, for God’s sake.”

“Nothin’ wrong with buses,” Liam said. “I once had a fabulous affair with a woman I met on a bus.”

“You did?”

He nodded. “I was just sittin’ there, mindin’ me own business, when this very attractive older woman gets on, takes the seat directly across from me, starts giving me the once-over. I ignored her at first. But then I realized I was just being rude, so I smiled. Just tryin’ to be polite, you understand.”

“I think I’m getting the picture,” Marcy said, relieved the focus had shifted to him.

“And she smiled back. And next thing you know she’s getting up out of her seat and coming over to sit next to me. And pretty soon we’re talking and joking around, and her hand is on my knee and she’s inviting me over to her house for a bite to eat, which suits me just fine since I’ve already missed my stop and I’m starvin’. And the whole thing just took off from there. Lasted almost a year.”

“Why did it end?”

“Her husband gave her an ultimatum.”

“She was married?”

“With six kids. You look shocked.”

“I’m shocked that anyone with six children would have time for an affair,” Marcy said. I’m shocked that anyone would have six children, she thought.

“People tend to make time for things that are important to them.” He turned onto South Main Street, continuing east at a snail’s pace through the flat of the city. “You never cheated on your husband?”

“No. Never.”

“But he cheated on you.”


“Not very smart, was he?”

Marcy smiled appreciatively.

“Anyway, I don’t think he’s the man for you.”

“Well, clearly he didn’t either.”

“No, I don’t mean your husband,” Liam clarified. “I mean this other guy. Vic. I don’t think he’s right for you.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Just a feeling I have.”

“I thought you said you don’t have feelings.”

He laughed. “I have them. I just don’t keep ’em.”

It was Marcy’s turn to laugh.

“I like it when you laugh,” Liam said.

“So do I.”

“You’re really very beautiful, you know. Although …”


One hand left the wheel to reach behind her head and undo the clasp in her hair. “There. That’s much better. Shake your head.”


“Shake your head. Let the curls loose.”

“You’re crazy.” Marcy protested, but she did as she was told.

“Doesn’t that feel much better?”

Marcy had to admit that it did, despite the renewed throbbing of her cheek from all the shaking of her head. “How do you know he’s rich?” she asked.


“You said that Vic was rich. How do you know that?”

Liam shrugged. “Well, when he came by the pub looking for you, he said he was staying at the Hayfield Manor Hotel, and you pretty much have to sell the farm to stay at that place. Did you tell him where you were goin’ this morning?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t know.”

“I do.”

Marcy stared at him without speaking. Enlighten me, her eyes said.

“I don’t think you fully trust him.”

“What?” Was he right? Was that the real reason she hadn’t told him?

“You want to know what else I think?” Liam asked.


“I think I’m jealous.”

He laughed and Marcy laughed with him.

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