The Notebook - By Nicholas Sparks Page 0,40

head as he answered, his tone serious. “No, not really. It wasn’t fair to me, and it wasn’t fair to Allie. Otherwise she wouldn’t be here.”

She watched him as he answered, but she said nothing. Allie, sensing an argument, cut in:

“What do you mean when you say you had to come? Don’t you trust me?”

Anne turned back to her daughter. “This has nothing to do with trust. This has to do with Lon. He called the house last night to talk to me about Noah, and he’s on his way here right now. He seemed very upset. I thought you’d want to know.”

Allie inhaled sharply. “He’s on his way?”

“As we speak. He arranged to have the trial postponed until next week. If he’s not in New Bern yet, he’s close.”

“What did you say to him?”

“Not much. But he knew. He had it all figured out. He remembered my telling him about Noah a long time ago.”

Allie swallowed hard. “Did you tell him I was here?”

“No. And I won’t. That’s between you and him. But knowing him, I’m sure he’ll find you here if you stay. All it takes is a couple of phone calls to the right people. After all, I was able to find you.”

Allie, though obviously worried, smiled at her mother. “Thank you,” she said, and her mother reached for her hand.

“I know we’ve had our differences, Allie, and that we haven’t seen eye to eye on everything. I’m not perfect, but I did the best I could with raising you. I’m your mother and I always will be. That means I’ll always love you.”

Allie was silent for a moment, then: “What should I do?”

“I don’t know, Allie. That’s up to you. But I would think about it. Think about what you really want.”

Allie turned away, her eyes reddening. A moment later a tear drifted down her cheek.

“I don’t know. . . ” She trailed off, and her mother squeezed her hand. Anne looked at Noah, who had been sitting with his head down, listening carefully. As if on cue, he returned her gaze, nodded, and left the room.

When he was gone, Anne whispered, “Do you love him?”

“Yes, I do,” Allie answered softly, “very much.” “Do you love Lon?”

“Yes, I do. I love him, too. Dearly, but in a different way. He doesn’t make me feel the way Noah does.”

“No one will ever do that,” her mother said, and she released Allie’s hand.

“I can’t make this decision for you, Allie, this one’s all yours. I want you to know, though, that I love you. And I always will. I know that doesn’t help but it’s all I can do.”

She reached in her pocketbook and removed a bundle of letters held together with string, the envelopes old and slightly yellowed.

“These are the letters that Noah wrote you. I never threw them away, and they haven’t been opened. I know I shouldn’t have kept them from you, and I’m sorry for that. But I was just trying to protect you. I didn’t realize . . .”

Allie took them and ran her hand over them, shocked.

“I should go, Allie. You’ve got some decisions to make, and you don’t have much time. Do you want me to stay in town?”

Allie shook her head. “No, this is up to me.” Anne nodded and watched her daughter for a moment, wondering. Finally she stood, went around the table, leaned over, and kissed her daughter on the cheek. She could see the question in her daughter’s eyes as Allie stood from the table and embraced her.

“What are you going to do?” her mother asked, pulling back. There was a long pause.

“I don’t know,” Allie finally answered. They stood together for another minute, just holding each other.

“Thanks for coming,” Allie said. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

On her way out the door, Allie thought that she heard her mother whisper, “Follow your heart,” but she couldn’t be sure.


Noah opened the door for Anne Nelson as she went out.

“Good-bye, Noah,” she said quietly. He nodded without speaking. There wasn’t anything else to say; they both knew that. She turned from him and left, closing the door behind her. Noah watched her walk to her car, get in, and drive away without looking back. She was a strong woman, he thought to himself, and he knew where Allie got it from.

Noah peeked in the living room, saw Allie sitting with her head down, then went to the back porch, knowing that she needed to be alone. He sat Copyright 2016 - 2024