The Note (Manhattan Nights #5) - Natalie Wrye Page 0,94

back from the closest people to me? I’m just fine and perfect.”

Raising his chin, he twirls a curly lock of my hair, sliding it across his finger, mesmerizing me with its sheen.

I have to fight to keep from gasping as his playful lips spread into a grin. He peers over at me, his smile bright.

“I’m just glad I won’t have to keep one of my secrets for much longer.”

A glint enters into his blue eye, rendering me speechless. But the question on my lips slides into a speedy death as someone knocks on the center of the closed bathroom door, a voice ringing out shortly after.

A voice I know more than most.


“Everything okay in there? I came over here to look for you, Soph. But then I heard two voices behind the door. Kinky.”

Noah calls out. “We’re fine in here, TSA. No ignitable substances are in here, I swear.”

I swing an eyebrow upwards, staring at him. “Are you sure about that?”

And with that he leans closer. “You can talk to Miss Gloves-On for a second. I’ll give you both a few minutes.”

And with that, we kiss, only for him to exit seconds later, a smile on my face as Noah faces me, his handsome grin smug. Nancy enters as he leaves, her ruby dress matching her smiling lips as she whistles over her shoulder, her voice a hiss.

“Were you guys doing the nasty?” She asks.

“Would that be any of your business?”

“It would. If I’m going to touch any surface in this bathroom. I need to know what I’m getting myself in to.” She smirks. “Is everything okay? Just wanted to check on you two. Jesse told me Noah was coming up behind you. Maybe even followed you in.”

“Everything’s okay now. Better, actually.” I attempt a smile. “Now that you showed up.”

“Now, you’re not just saying that to butter me up, are you?”

“If I say yes, would you let me?”

“Depends on what the butter is made of…and which Hemsworth brother is smearing it on.”

I look deeply into the eyes of the woman I’ve grown to love and respect, a pixie powerhouse, hugging her despite it all, needing her comfort almost more than she needs mine.

With her warm smile and bright eyes, she appears so much like her brother. Protective and Proud.

And it takes everything in me not to tell her. Not to confess that I know what happened to her father and who’s the man responsible.

But when I wrap my arms around her, I can’t help but feel the shape of the paper in her pocket, jutting just outside the lines of her dress. She pulls back, glancing over at me with a wicked grin, and I know that I’m prepared to face whatever else is on the other side of the skeletons in our closet.

When she pulls out the note and hands it to me, I’m unprepared.

Not daring to question the undaunted look in her eyes, I unfold the white square, starting slow.

I read the writing, my eyes scanning back and forth, feverish to figure out what the hell’s going on.

I’m even more confused when I see my name at the top.

My breath catches in my esophagus.

* * *


Believe me when I say this:

I never meant for this to happen.

But I swore, one day, I would find a way to pay you back.

Pay you back…for all that you’ve done to me.

If you’re reading this, then I’m hoping that Jesse didn’t pull out the emergency story.

The one where, in order to save time, he pretends that something awful happened…

Something to distract you from the truth.

(Please, if he did this, don’t even tell me what the story was. I heard his ideas. They’re just as awful as the false news he planned on pitching to buy time.)

Truth is?

Jesse + Marilyn rescheduled their wedding.

Marilyn’s still shooting overtime on that new successful season of hers. And Jesse is still trying to make things work with your father.

And speaking of fathers, I should have told you about mine long ago.

I know that you know.

And honestly?

I should have told you weeks ago. Because I know you don’t care about who my father is or was, just in the same I’ve chosen not to care who’s yours.

Because you, Miss Somerset: You are more than your past.

You are a magnificent friend. A beautiful sister. A brilliant painter.

A dreamer. And a fairytale believer.

Most importantly, after today, I’m hoping you’ll agree to be something else…

My wife.

Consider this an I.O.U.


You were right. You’re not the liar.

I am…


Big Bad Wolf

* * *

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