Not You It's Me (Boston Love #1) - Julie Johnson Page 0,99

and two hundred other snakes in human suits.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I thought I’d be bored, people-watching and eavesdropping as I shadow Chase through the crowd, but it’s actually kind of fascinating to see him like this — polite, personable, playing the part of a well-mannered socialite rather than the brooding caveman I know him to be. To most eyes, he looks like the perfect golden boy, towering over the crowd like Thor, greeting acquaintances with varying amounts of sincerity. Only someone who knows him, as I’m beginning to, would see the wry twist of his mouth as he suffers through small talk, the slight clenching of his fists as someone slips an underhanded barb about his playboy past into the conversation, the infinitesimal narrowing of his eyes as he stares down a person he doesn’t particularly like.

As my gaze moves around the room, I see Chase isn’t the only one employing the smile-on-your-lips, daggers-in-your-eyes method — which isn’t exactly surprising, given the fact that this room contains more WASPs than the nest in the old tree behind my Mom’s house. Everywhere I look, people are glaring over the rims of their cocktails, raising eyebrows at frenemies’ backs, and laughing coyly at their own jokes.

Between the thinly veiled insults being tossed back and forth, and the subtle manipulation of resources and power happening in each and every conversation around us, it’s basically like watching a live episode of Game of Thrones.

Just, like, without the dragons and stuff.

After a solid hour of small talk, I’ve almost reached my limit. My cheeks are starting to ache from smiling so much, my feet have begun to cramp in the heels Shelby forced me to wear, and I’m going to explode if one more person looks at Chase like he’s some kind of freaky black-sheep interloper, out to steal the family business. Or worse, like he’s some vacuous party-boy who spent the last five years on a beach somewhere.

First, it was the snotty woman by the entrance.

Oh, Chase, it’s just wonderful to have you back. We all wondered if you’d ever return from your little…trip. Where was it you went, again? Cabo?

Then, the balding man by the coat check.

We’ll talk, my boy, we’ll talk. I’ve got a great new venture Croft Industries would be lucky to get their hands on. A young stallion like you needs something splashy, right out of the gate, to prove he’s willing to put his money where his mouth is.

Then, the pinch-faced couple by the grand staircase.

Good to see you, Chase! I’m sure the family is thrilled to have you back. Brett most of all. Though, I’m sure he was as surprised as the rest of us to hear you’d be taking the reins in his place!

Everyone we’ve chatted with has been pretty terrible, though my personal favorite has to be the woman we’re talking to now. Mrs. Pauline Breeland is one of those wives who speaks enough for two — probably because her husband never says anything at all. She’s been prattling on for the last ten minutes about their daughter, Cherie, who apparently Chase once met at a mixer during his boarding school days and, thus, is destined to marry.

“She’s a lawyer now. So ambitious, my Cherie. Always was — I’m sure you remember! And she’s grown into quite the looker… though I may be biased!” Mrs. Breeland laughs so hard, you’d think she was front row at a Jim Gaffigan show listening to his Hot Pockets segment. “She lives right across town in Beacon Hill. I’m sure she’d love to get a drink with you and catch up. You two would hit it off, I’m just sure of it!”

Seriously, lady? I’m standing right here.

“Now that you’re grown, you need to start thinking about settling down! You’re no spring chicken!” She giggles again. “Though, I must say, my Cherie hasn’t aged a day! Looks the same as she did at seventeen. I wish she’d tell me her secret!”

I’m so sure.

“You two would look just wonderful together!” she continues, her eyes never wavering from Chase, who hasn’t said more than two words since this woman started speaking. “Two young people from good families… Perfectly suited! Oh, you must give her a call. I’d love to see you both settled.”

I can’t help the blush that starts to creep across my cheeks — for once, not one of embarrassment but of the sheer outrage I’m struggling to bury beneath a politely disinterested smile.

Chase stares at her for several long moments with a strange Copyright 2016 - 2024