Not You It's Me (Boston Love #1) - Julie Johnson Page 0,96

roll my eyes. “No, idiot. The expression — it’s an elephant never forgets, not a rhino never forgets.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s a rhino.”

“It’s not.”

“Well, I like my version better.” She shrugs. “Animals aside, I didn’t forget anything.”

“Beg to differ.” I narrow my eyes at her. “I need underwear, genius.”

“Oh, that.” She makes a pffft noise with her lips. “You aren’t wearing any.”

“I know, that’s the problem.”

“No, I mean you aren’t wearing any tonight. Not with this dress, anyway.”

“Excuse me?”

“Gemma.” Her hands land on my shoulders and she looks deeply into my eyes. “You are not wearing granny panties with a Simon Gilbert design. Underwear lines in this dress would be a crime against humanity.”

After five years of being Shelby’s best friend, I’ve learned to recognize the battles I’m never going to win.

This is one of them.

“Fine,” I mutter darkly. “But I’ll have you know, I like my granny panties just fine, thank you very much.”

Ignoring me, she reaches into her purse, pulls out her phone, and gestures for me to turn in a circle. “Do a spin for me, I want to see the dress move.”

Eyes on her phone, I raise one brow in question.

“Oh, fine.” She sighs. “Chrissy threatened to kill me if I didn’t send her a video of the 360 degree finished product. She’s mad enough she can’t be here in person — if I don’t do this, she’ll probably murder us.”

“Mad as in angry or mad as in crazy?”

“A little of both.” She shrugs. “Now spin!”

“Fine, fine.”

I do as she says, pivoting in slow circles, catching my own eyes in the mirror each time I come back around. Even after she’s finished filming, I keep spinning, until I’m dizzy and breathless with laughter, twirling around the room like a little kid. I can hear Shelby screeching about wrinkles and torn hemlines, but right then, in that instant, I’m too happy to listen.

When two warm, callused hands close over my bare arms, I jolt to a sudden stop. For a few seconds, the world continues to spin around me — if not for the steadying grip at my biceps, I’d fall on my ass in a swirl of silk. I’m still laughing when the dizziness fades and I finally meet Chase’s eyes.

“Hey,” he whispers, leaning in to brush his lips against mine.

“Hey yourself,” I whisper back, my eyes dropping to take in the sight of him. He looks incredible in a tailored black tuxedo.

“You look beautiful.” His eyes are warm as they sweep appreciatively down my frame. “That dress was made for you.”

“Actually, it’s Shelby’s,” I blurt stupidly. “And you look beautiful, too.”

He grins.

“Handsome!” A blush heats my cheeks. “I mean you look handsome.”

“Thanks, sunshine.”

I hear a forced cough from behind me. “Introduce me.” Shelby coughs again, louder this time. “Anytime, now.”

“Oh! Sorry.” My blush gets redder as I turn to face my friend. “Chase, this is Shelby. Shelby, Chase.”

They shake hands politely, and I notice Shelby’s eyes have practically glazed over as she stares at the man beside me.

“Nice to meet you,” he says, his voice deep.

“You too,” Shelby breathes. “I’ve heard all about you.”

Chase glances at me, eyebrows raised. “Oh, really?”

Shelby nods. “Gemma tells me everything.”

“Not everything,” I mutter.

Chase chuckles, turning to face me. “We have to leave, sunshine, or we’ll be late.”

Shelby meets my eyes when his back is turned.

He is so hot! she mouths, fanning herself with her hands.

As soon as Chase looks back in her direction, her arms drop to her sides and her face morphs into a polite mask.

“Nice to meet you, Shelby. I’m sure I’ll see you again, soon.”

“Count on it.” She smiles wide.

He winks at her, then turns back to me, plants a soft kiss on my forehead, and stares into my eyes.

“Five minutes, okay?”

I nod, fighting the urge to melt into him. “Okay.”

He grins, like he knows exactly how many female hormones he’s just sent into overdrive, and walks out of the ginormous master bathroom where we’ve been getting ready.

“Oh. My. God.” Shelby squeals as soon as the door closes at his back. “He’s so hot. Like, hotter than hot. Sahara freaking desert hot.”

“I know,” I say miserably.

“You are so totally screwed.”

“I know,” I repeat.

“Seriously.” She starts fanning herself again. “If you don’t jump his bones tonight, I will.”

“Shelby! You’re married!”

“Have you seen the man? Paul will understand.”

I sigh.

She meets my eyes. “Gemma…”


“You’re falling for him.”

“No,” I lie instantly.

She stares at me for a moment. “That bad, huh?”

“Ugh!” A groan slides from my throat. “He’s just so…”


“Perfect,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024