Not You It's Me (Boston Love #1) - Julie Johnson Page 0,85

it — the right man will be there at the bottom, to catch you.

“He knows,” I whisper, staring so deep into Chase’s eyes, I can almost see his soul.

“Knows what, sunshine?”

I take a deep breath.

“He knows about my father.”


Knox and Chase are both staring at me, expressions of surprise on their typically stoic faces. I can’t exactly blame them; hearing that the man responsible for approximately half my chromosomes is Milo West — the same Milo West who owns seventy percent of New England’s tech industry — is a bombshell big enough to rattle even the most composed person.

“How is that possible?” Knox asks bluntly, shattering the silence.

“My mother never really gave me the down-and-dirty details.” I shrug. “All I know is they met twenty-seven years ago, shared a few weeks of passion, and, like magic, nine months later… abracadabra baby!”

Knox stares at me blankly, clearly not appreciating my attempt at levity.

“Gemma.” My eyes move to Chase when he says my name. “Does he know about you?”

I rub my temple, hoping it might sooth the headache pounding there. “He knows.”


I sigh. “And he never had any interest in me, okay? He already had a family by the time I came along. Millionaire tech tycoons don’t exactly make a habit of going to their illegitimate, adulterous love child’s soccer games or invite them to spend the holidays together.”

“He didn’t provide for you at all?”

“He sent money.” A sharp exhale of disgust slips out. “Mom sent it right back. We didn’t need his charity.”

“It’s not charity if he’s your father,” Chase says softly.

“Chase.” I roll my eyes. “Come on. He isn’t my father. He’s nothing more than a sperm donor.”


“No!” I run my fingers through my hair, exasperated. “I don’t want to talk about this. And frankly, if it weren’t for Ralph, we wouldn’t be talking about this. Ever.”

Chase’s eyes narrow on my face. Mr. CEO does not like the idea of me keeping secrets from him, that much is apparent.

“What was in the box?” Knox’s voice is low, intent.

I glance at him. “My birth certificate. The FATHER section is blank, so that wouldn’t have been much help to him. But… there were letters.”

He lifts one eyebrow in question.

“He wrote to my mother, during their — I’m not sure you can call it a relationship. During their affair, I suppose. Love letters, full of pretty words and promises. Or, they were… until he found out she was pregnant. ”

Knox’s eyes narrow and Chase’s jaw clenches as they wait for me to finish.

“He sent her $800 and told her to get rid of it. Of me.” I swallow, trying to keep my cool. “He said he couldn’t jeopardize his family with…”

“With what?” Chase’s voice vibrates with barely-leashed fury.

I swallow again. “With a mistake.”

“Fucking asshole.” Chase curses so loud I flinch at the sound of it. “If I ever cross paths with him…”

“Chase.” I lay a hand on his arm and wait until his livid gaze lifts to mine. When it does, I make my voice as calm as possible. “He’s not worth it.”

The muscle ticks in his cheek on steady intervals as he fights to control his temper. I have a distinct feeling if he ever runs into Milo West in a dark alley… only one of them will come out alive.

“Ralph has them,” Knox says, calling my attention back to him. “The letters.”

I nod. “And I’m sure he’s already delivered them to every news outlet he can think of. I’m actually surprised he had the patience to wait until tomorrow’s broadcast to ruin my life.”

“This isn’t going to ruin your life.” Chase’s voice is resolute.

“Maybe not,” I agree softly. “But it will destroy my mother’s.”

His eyes cut to Knox. “See if you can find him before he gets to the networks. I’ll call my lawyers, see if they can work up an injunction before whatever they have airs. It may not stop them forever, but it might give us a few hours. I’ve got some favors I can call in, if I need to.”

Knox nods to Chase, glances briefly at me, then turns and heads for the elevator.

“Bye!” I call to his retreating back.

He doesn’t answer as he enters the elevator and pushes a button, but just before the doors slide shut, I notice the skin around his eyes is doing the crinkly thing again and I know, despite his badass-exterior, he’s smiling on the inside.

“Go back to bed, sunshine.” Chase’s voice is gentle. “I’ll call the lawyers. See what they can Copyright 2016 - 2024