Not You It's Me (Boston Love #1) - Julie Johnson Page 0,83

Which is annoying because…


The buzzing stops for a second, then starts up again on short, insistent intervals. Though he’s still kissing me, Chase grumbles out a sound of frustration, and I feel my cheeks flame as awareness creeps into my brain.

My mind isn’t buzzing — it’s his phone, on the bedside table.


It vibrates again, and I freeze.

“Ignore it,” he mutters against my neck, planting kisses in the hollow beneath my ear.

I happily oblige, my hands knotting in his hair to pull him closer.

The landline phone starts to sound in the other room, its piercing ring shattering the moment.

“Fuck.” Chase groans and lifts his head so his forehead rests against mine. We’re both breathing too fast, and I’m almost positive my eyes are a mirror of his own — dilated with pure desire.

“Go,” I whisper, craning my neck to brush my lips against his. “It might be important.”

“I don’t care,” he murmurs. “This is more important.”

“It could be Knox.”

He sighs and I feel his warm exhale across my lips. Without moving his body, he throws out one arm and snatches his cellphone off the bedside table. I hear him curse quietly as he reads the screen.


Which translates to: Yes, it’s important.

“Chase,” I prompt, hearing the landline ring again.

“I’m going.” He pushes up on his forearms and pins me with a glare. “Don’t you dare fucking move.”

I grin. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

He snorts in amusement.

“What?” I protest, my voice teasing. “When have I ever not followed your orders, Mr. CEO?”

“How about every fucking day since we met,” he mutters, but his tone is playful, rather than pissed.

I’m still laughing when he lowers his mouth to mine and kisses me one last time, his lips hard and unrelenting. By the time he’s done, my amusement is long gone and my body is thrumming with desire again. I stare up at him, filled with longing and regret, as he sits back on his knees. He’s about to move off the bed when he catches sight of my face.

He freezes completely, every muscle in his body going tight. I’m sprawled in his bed and he’s gazing down at me in a way he’s never done before — in a way no man has ever done before. I know my hair is a mess of waves, fanning across his pillow, my cheeks are probably flushed redder than a tomato, and I’m pretty much naked except for a flimsy pair of panties, but somehow it doesn’t matter. I should be embarrassed. Hell, if it were anyone else, seeing me in this exposed state, I would be embarrassed.

But it’s Chase.

And he’s looking at me with such warmth, such sheer tenderness, as his eyes move over my hair and my body, I can’t feel anything except cherished.

The phone rings again.

“Go, before I pull you back down here,” I whisper.

His eyes flash darkly and his jaw clenches tight. “Don’t tempt me, sunshine. You’re too goddamned beautiful. I’m having a hard enough time walking away, right now, and you can bet your ass I won’t be able to focus on a single thing Knox needs to tell me, knowing you’re naked in my bed.”

The breath catches in my throat as his fingers stroke lightly across my cheekbone one last time. I don’t even have time to pull in a proper breath before he’s gone — sliding off the bed and crossing out of the bedroom as though he hasn’t just set my world atilt on its axis with a few little words and a tiny caress of his fingers against my face.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I hear the muffled sound of Chase on the phone in the other room. There’s urgency in his tone, and a resigned kind of anger, so I know it’s not good news. When I hear him say, “Fuck. Come up, we’ll talk here,” I know it’s more than not good.

It’s bad.

With a sigh, I force myself to scramble out of bed. It takes me a while, but eventually I locate the t-shirt Chase threw across the room and pull it over my head. I run my fingers through my hair before padding into the main room — just in time to see the elevator doors slide open as Knox swaggers into the apartment.

He freezes when he catches sight of me, half-clothed in Chase’s giant shirt, and I think his lips quirk up in the hint of a smile, but it’s hard to tell, what with his constant I’m-so-badass-Chuck-Norris-fears-me expression.

“Hiya, Knox.” Copyright 2016 - 2024