Not You It's Me (Boston Love #1) - Julie Johnson Page 0,47

with the beginnings of a blush. “Well, I just mean, there’s nothing going on between us, so it’s not like he could use me against you even if he wanted to. We’ve only met, like, twice. We’re basically strangers. So, there’s really nothing to worry about. You can let me go, I’ll tell your cousin there’s nothing between us, and we can all get on with our lives.”

That strange, scary look creeps into his eyes again. “You will not be speaking to my cousin again.”

“Excuse me?” I huff. “I’ll do whatever I damn well please, thank you very much.”


“No!” I interject. “He’s a client, now. I’ll have to talk to him, one way or another.”

“Find a new client.”

“Oh, right.” I snort. “Because I can just snap my fingers and find a new gazillionaire art connoisseur.” My eyes go wide and I infuse my voice with sarcasm. “Or, hey! Maybe I can just go out into the forest and pick up a few new ones, because apparently they’re growing on trees, now!”

“Good.” Chase totally ignores my sarcastic comments, his voice flat. “Because you’re not dealing with Brett ever again.”

I fight a scream “Are you even listening to me?”

“I’ll buy however many goddamn paintings you want!” he barks, his expression dark. “I’ll buy the whole fucking collection! But Brett is not your client, anymore. Do you understand me?”

I make a concerted effort to get my breathing under control and decide to try a new tactic. “How did you even know I was here?”

“I keep an eye on everything my cousin does.”

“That’s insane,” I breathe.

“It’s necessary.” His voice is unapologetic. “And it’s a mutual arrangement.”


“Meaning, Brett and I both subscribe to the friends close, enemies closer, family closest mentality.”

“You’re a loon,” I say matter-of-factly. “A caveman. All that testosterone has done something to chemically alter your brain.”

“Gemma, this isn’t a game.” He takes a step closer, and I immediately shuffle back, trying to maintain a safe distance between us. “He’s dangerous. He’s hurt people in the past, people I cared about, people I loved, just to prove a point. Just to prove that he could.”

I’m so startled by this admission, I take another step away from him.

He closes the gap instantly, still speaking. “This is his favorite kind of game to play — cat and mouse, the ultimate challenge, even better that it might make my life hell. It doesn’t matter what either of us say — he’ll come after you, in any way he can. Before today, he was just curious, like everyone else, because of the kiss at the game. But now that he’s met you…” His eyes lock on mine. “He won’t stop.”

For the first time, I feel the markings of true anxiety stirring to life in my gut.

“Until what?” I breathe.

Chase shakes his head. “I don’t know. I wish I knew, but I don’t.”

Mind reeling, I take another step away from him. “This is your fault,” I whisper finally, when I’ve composed myself enough to formulate words.

His spine snaps straight, as though I’ve struck him.

My eyes lift to his perfect mouth. “You never should’ve kissed me at that game.”

“I know,” he mutters darkly. “I already apologized for that, Gemma.”

“And that makes it okay?” I laugh bitterly. “How could you have done that, knowing it would lead to this?” I gesture vaguely upwards, in the direction of Brett’s apartment. “Knowing he’d come after me?”

Chase takes another step toward me. “Gemma.”

“Don’t Gemma me!” My eyes fly to his. “This is a goddamned mess! I don’t want this! I didn’t ask for any of this!”

“I know that!” he roars suddenly, his careful control finally snapping. “Don’t you think I know that? Why do you think I pushed you away after you came to my office? Why do you think I brushed you off with the press? I tried to keep you out of my life, away from this shit. I tried.”

“Not hard enough, apparently!” I yell angrily. “Because here we are!”

He’s breathing hard, his eyes burning into mine. “What do you want me to say? That I fucked up? I already know that. I wasn’t thinking, when I kissed you at the game. I looked at you, and I just… couldn’t stop myself.”

A sharp, stunned exhale escapes my lips. I don’t want to look too deeply at the feelings his words have stirred within me, so I wrap myself in anger instead, using it like a shield. “And after that? Why the hell would you drag me to your office? Why even Copyright 2016 - 2024