Not You It's Me (Boston Love #1) - Julie Johnson Page 0,138

of my middle name.

“How do you know?!”

He grins shamelessly. “I read your chart.”

I groan in mortification. “Nooo. Please tell me I’m still unconscious.”

“Sorry to disappoint,” he bumps my nose with his. “And, for the record, I think it’s cute.”

“For the record, you’re a loon.”

“Don’t worry, sunshine. Your secret is safe with me.”

I don’t challenge that statement. I just sigh, snuggle into his arms, and let my eyes slip closed once more. Because I know Chase’s arms really are the safest place on earth.


“She’s still sleeping? Are you sure there isn’t permanent brain damage? It can’t be healthy for her to be sleeping this much.”

“Shhh, Shelby! You’ll wake her. And wheel me closer — the baby brigade won’t let me out of this damn chair, but I don’t have to be shoved into the corner like some distant cousin.”

“Chrissy, we aren’t even related to Gemma. A distant cousin has more rights to be in here than we do.”

“It was a figure of speech. Now, wheel me closer!”

A sigh. “Fine. But seriously, do you think Chase was lying when he said she woke up this morning? Maybe the grief did something to his head. Maybe, he’s delusional and she’s really a vegetable.”

“Shelby. Don’t call Gemma a vegetable.”

My eyes peel open and pin the two of them with a glare. “Honestly, the coma was preferable to this.”

“You’re awake!” Shelby squeals, racing forward and grabbing one of my hands. Over her shoulder, I see Winston is fast asleep in his baby backpack, sleeping soundly against her body with his thumb in his mouth. “See, Chrissy, I told you she wasn’t a vegetable.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what you said, Shelbs.” Chrissy rolls her eyes. “How are you feeling, Gem?”

“I’m fine. Sore as all hell. And thirstier than that time you guys made me eat that pot-laced brownie, before Chrissy’s bachelorette party.”

“Here.” Shelby passes me a cup of water from the nightstand beside my bed. “Drink.”

I down the entire glass in one gulp, feeling instantly better.

“Are you okay?” I ask Chrissy, once I’ve swallowed. “You, and Winnie, and—”

“And Summer.” Chrissy finishes for me, tears in her eyes and a grin on her lips. “Our new baby girl. She’s fine — she’s perfect. We’re all perfect.”

I pause, my eyes wide. “Summer?”

Chrissy nods. “After her godmother — the best friend-slash-getaway-driver a girl could ever ask for.”

“Chris…” I trail off, my eyes filling with tears. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything.” She wheels her chair forward, next to Shelby, and grabs my other hand. “Do you want to meet her?”

“Hell yes, I want to meet her.” My tears overflow.

“Well, the next one you have is definitely going to be named Shelby.” Shelby glares at Chrissy. “Right?”

Chrissy glances at her, grinning. “What if it’s a boy?”

“Shelby could be unisex.”

I snort.

Chrissy scoffs. “Do you want my son to get the shit beat out of him on the playground?”

“Oh, whatever,” Shelby mutters. “You better pray it’s a girl, then.”

Chrissy rolls her eyes again and turns her head toward the door. “You can come in now, boys!”

My tears drip faster as Chase steps inside, his eyes locking on mine immediately, followed by Mark — who’s got a tiny, pink bundle cradled in his arms.

“Babe,” he says, his eyes finding mine. “Glad you’re not dead.”

“Mark!” Chrissy huffs. “That is not what you say to a girl after she’s nearly drowned as the target of a sociopathic billionaire intent on revenge.” Her eyes slide to Chase. “No offense.”

“None taken,” he says, grinning.

Mark sighs. “Sorry, Gem. How are you feeling?”

“I’ll be better when I’m holding that baby.” I pull my hands from Shelby and Chrissy’s grasps and reach for her. “Gimme.”

Mark laughs as he passes her into my arms. I hold her delicately, like one wrong move might break her, staring down at her tiny pink-bowed mouth and fluttering, whisper-thin eyelashes in awe.

“She’s amazing,” I breathe, fighting tears again. I look up at my friends, my eyes moving from Shelby to Chrissy to Mark. They’re all practically glowing with happiness – love shining from their eyes as they smile at me – and I can’t fathom how I got so lucky. These three people are more than just friends – they’re family.

My heart is so full at this moment, I think it might burst. I look automatically for Chase, wanting to share this with him… and realize he’s still standing by the door. He’s set himself apart, leaving me to this moment of bliss with my friends.

My gaze searches for his and, Copyright 2016 - 2024