Not You It's Me (Boston Love #1) - Julie Johnson Page 0,106

to leave.”

My cheeks flame in the beginnings of a blush.

“Go,” he says softly, eyes warm on mine. “Just hurry back. I don’t know how long I’ll last without you, here.”

I smile at his words, slide back my chair, and beeline for the doors. My grin falters when I catch sight of a familiar hulking frame at the back of the ballroom — it’s Brett’s personal Bruce Banner henchman, standing in the shadows in his ill-fitting suit, looking intimidating as ever with that wicked-looking scar on his neck. Our gazes meet for a fraction of a second as I walk past, and the darkness in his eyes sends such a chill through me, I’m still shivering as I cross into the empty atrium and enter the women’s room.

As soon as I close the stall door behind me, a huge sigh of relief escapes — in part because I really, really had to go, but mostly because I needed a break from Brett’s sidelong glances, Chase’s too-tense muscles, Jameson’s rapidly-emptying tumbler, and even Phoebe and her funny facial expressions. Every time she catches my eye and grins, like we’re both in on the same joke — like she’s already a close friend — my heart clenches.

How long until Brett tells her?

How long until she hates me?

After I’ve taken care of business — not an easy feat in a floor-length dress, by the way — I head out to the bank of sinks. With a full lounge, a towel attendant, and several baskets of complimentary toiletry supplies laid out on the countertops, the bathroom clearly caters to an elite crowd. I’m moisturizing my hands with one of the mini-bottles of almond-scented lotion, when the door swings open.

As soon as I lock eyes with the blonde in the mirror, who’s scowling at me with more vehemence than the guy I once spilled a two-hundred degree cappuccino on at my old job, I go still as a deer in headlights.


“Looting the supplies, huh?” Her eyes narrow on the bottle in my hands. “Not surprising. You probably can’t afford your own. And trashy, gold-digging home-wreckers have to seize every opportunity, I suppose.”

“Why don’t you tell me?” I snap sweetly. “I mean, after all — you’re the one who worked Chase over for a big payoff.”

She sneers and steps closer, her black, strapless sheathe gown glittering in the low light. “You’re going to pay, bitch.”

“Would it surprise you to hear you’re not the first person to tell me that, this week?” I roll my eyes. “And, frankly, it’s not nearly as scary the second time around. Maybe I’m getting immune to threats. Oh! Or, maybe your threats just suck.”

Her eyes narrow. “Did you really think you could just take him from me? That I wouldn’t put up a fight?”

“I hate to break it to you, but he wasn’t yours to take. Chase has been trying to ditch you for years.”

“He’s going to forgive me, eventually, and then you’ll be the one out on your ass.” Her eyes gleam as she steps even closer, causing me to press back against the bank of sinks. “We belong together — I know it and he knows it.”

“Sorry, but by together do you mean sleeping with someone else behind his back? Or getting him fired from his job? Or, my personal favorite, hurting him so bad, he fled the freaking country for five years?” I shake my head. “Somehow, I think Chase will have different ideas about a reunion tour with you.”

“You don’t know anything! Anything. You’re just some little slut he’s interested in this week. A flavor of the month. A shiny new toy he’ll use until it’s thoroughly broken in. Until something newer and shinier comes along to replace you.”

Her words hit me like a slap across the face. It takes effort to keep from showing any reaction.

“You’re kidding yourself if you think this is going anywhere. He’s never going to settle down with a nobody like you — he said so himself, only days ago. On camera.” She laughs, a malicious sound designed to inflict pain. “We both know how this ends, Gemma. And it’s not with some happily-ever-after ride into the sunset.”

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from snapping back at her.

“Chase is a Croft. He’ll fuck you and use you and when he’s done, he’ll toss you away.” She smiles, pleased with herself. “And when he does decide to settle down, it’ll be with someone good enough for him. Someone his family Copyright 2016 - 2024