Not What I Expected - Jewel E. Ann Page 0,82

going out of my way to run into him. And clearly he was going about his days in the same manner.

However, with the first snow in two weeks, his truck pulled into my driveway a few minutes after Bella left for school. There wasn’t a lot of snow, but he still made his three swipes just as I was heading out the door to take Meadow for her walk.

He stopped before backing all the way out of the driveway. I smiled, or at least tried, as I approached the door to his truck and released Meadow’s leash so she could sniff and do her morning business.

My heart tripped over itself as he hopped out of the driver’s seat in his usual jeans, boots, coat, and beanie. His beard looked shorter like he’d recently trimmed it, and that smile of his made it hard to find a deep breath.

I’d missed him too.

“Good morning.” He blew on his hands and rubbed them together.

I tucked a few stray hairs under my red stocking cap and let my smile have its way—all the way to my ears. “Morning. Thanks for this. I could have easily shoveled it.”

He didn’t respond right away, but after a few seconds, he nodded. “Yeah, but it was a good excuse to see you.” His words wrapped around me like my favorite sweater.

“I feel bad that you felt like you needed an excuse to see me.”

Instead of putting his hands on me, he shoved them into the pockets of his jacket. “I figured if you needed anything, you would have contacted me.”

Sex. If I needed sex.

When my gaze slipped from his, he cleared his throat. “And I know it’s getting close to the anniversary of your husband’s death. I thought you could use some space—time with your family.”

Finding his eyes again, I chuckled. “Thank you. I don’t have my family with me yet. Occasionally, I pass Bella in the hall or kitchen. My boys won’t be here for a few days, along with my parents. It’s just been me and Meadow.”

Kael nodded once. “I haven’t heard any rumors about your store closing. I’ve seen a few sale signs in the windows, but no chatter about it closing. Did you change your mind?”

“No. I’m going to announce it after Christmas and hopefully clear as much out as possible before the first.” I shrugged. “The rest I’ll donate. Whatever … right?”

A slight cringe formed along Kael’s forehead. “Elsie …”

“I don’t want it. The store. I never did. So don’t give me that look. Maybe you were the perfect excuse.”

The tension on his face didn’t seem to ease up any. “So what’s next?”

“I don’t know. I might make a quilt. I’ve started several over the past year. The walls could use a new coat of paint.” That melted a little tension from his face. “When Bella leaves for college, I’ll sell the house. It holds a million memories, but I only feel the bad ones. And that sucks. Craig’s … everywhere.”

“And that’s bad?”

Meadow heeled next to me as if to say, “Let’s go, Mom!” I smiled at her. “Yeah, that’s bad. Anyway … thanks again for clearing my driveway.”

“Of course.”

“I’d better get this girl walked so she doesn’t destroy the house while I’m at work.”

“Want some company?”

I blinked at him a few times. Yes. I wanted company. I wanted his company. But I couldn’t ignore the rumors that a simple walk would start.

“Um …”

“Let them talk.” He smirked.

I bit my lower lip and wrinkled my nose.

“Fine.” He closed his door and his boots scuffed down the driveway to the sidewalk. “I’m taking a walk. If we take the same route … so what?”

I giggled. “Your truck is parked in my driveway.”

“Let them talk,” he hollered as he continued down the sidewalk.

Rolling my eyes, I guided Meadow to follow his tracks. We trailed behind him for several blocks as he whistled “Jingle Bells” followed by “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.” An unavoidable grin spread across my face. I had the normal appearance of walking my dog.

The yoga pants.

Sporty boots.

A dog.

Kael looked like his vehicle broke down, and he was walking to get help—whistling a tune.

Meadow veered off to the side to poop. I thought she did it at home—apparently I was distracted by Kael. I didn’t tell him to stop or wait. After all, we weren’t walking together. As she pinched off an enormous turd, I reached into the pocket of my jacket to get a poop bag.

“Not again …” I deflated.

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