Not What I Expected - Jewel E. Ann Page 0,48


“Down a dead-end road?” He let the towel drop to the floor.

My gaze shifted to his exposed cock like it compelled me to do it. When I forced a sharp correction and found his eyes overflowing with confidence from my wandering gaze, I escaped into the bathroom to dry my hair. “It’s a nice wooded area. I’ve walked up and down that drive many times. It’s not unusual to spot deer or foxes around their property.” I turned on my hairdryer before he could quiz me anymore on my walking route.

By the time I finished drying my hair and applying a little makeup, he was nowhere in sight. I peeked out the window overlooking the front yard. No truck in my driveway.

Kael Hendricks was everything I thought I wanted in my so-called midlife crisis.




Then why did I struggle so much with having exactly what I thought I wanted?

Chapter Fourteen

I lived in the gray, answering all questions with “whatever, maybe, and doesn’t matter.” She said I never uttered the words yes or no. I fear I passed that gene to my son.

* * *

Round three of major snowfall hit Thanksgiving morning. It was an insane snow year—records breaking every week. I gave thanks that my three boys made it to Epperly the night before with their girlfriends. It was the first holiday that any of my children had invited a significant other, and then all three boys did it the same year.

Eight of us total, yet I felt completely alone Thanksgiving morning while making the gluttonous meal for the day as my boys slept in with their girlfriends and Bella cut potatoes with her headphones on.

“I’m so happy to have my kids here today,” I said to see if Bella could hear me.

She couldn’t.

I shook my head and chuckled to myself. “I can’t believe all this snow and it’s not even December.”


“I’m having meaningless sex with Kael Hendricks. I hope you find a man who can give you multiple orgasms.”


Then, as if I brought it to being with just the mention of his name, I heard something out front. Kael’s truck turned into our driveway, blade down removing the snow. I watched from far enough back that I didn’t think he’d be able to see me if he glanced at the window. It looked like he had someone in the truck with him. I couldn’t make out details; they had hats on, and snow still swirled in the air.


I jumped at Bella’s voice.

“How nice of him to clear our driveway. Doesn’t he know all the boys are home today?”

I shrugged. “How would he?”

“True. I should take him some coffee to say thank you.”

“We don’t have coffee.”

Bella retreated to the kitchen. “We do. Linc brought some because he knew you wouldn’t have any.”

“I’m sure he’s already had coffee.” I followed her. “Besides, by the time you get it brewed, he’ll be gone.”

As soon as she started the coffee maker, she turned and grinned. “I’ll run out and tell him to come in for a cup of coffee.”

“It’s Thanksgiving. I’m sure he’s busy and wants to get home to his family.”

She chuckled, brushing past me to the front door, where she shoved her feet into her boots and donned her coat over her T-shirt and pajama pants. “What family? Amber said he doesn’t have family in Epperly, and his mom died.”

“When did you talk to Amber?”

“Few days ago. Apparently Kael fixed a frozen pipe at their house. Then he kissed her. I think he was at her house last night too.”

It had been a week since I’d seen or talked to him. It was the day he left after shower sex without a goodbye. The day I used my saliva to wipe Amber’s kiss from his lips.

The front door closed behind Bella before I had a chance to say or ask anything else. A few minutes later, the door opened, and she emerged with Kael and an older gentleman behind him.

I slapped a smile on my face, for the older gentleman. My gaze did its best to not make eye contact with Kael.

“I hope we’re not intruding,” Kael said.

“You’re not. I’ll check the coffee. Make yourselves at home.” Bella played my role, said the things I should have said.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Smith.”

Mrs. Smith …


“Happy Thanksgiving. Who’s your friend?”

“This is my dad, Dan.”

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Smith.” Dan pulled off his glove and held out his hand.

“Elsie. Please.” I shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure. You really didn’t have to clear my driveway. Copyright 2016 - 2024