Not What I Expected - Jewel E. Ann Page 0,44

to, again, hide behind her, but he saw me.

“Uh … I don’t think that smile on his face is for Tillie or me. Bye, Elsie.” She took a sharp left to the door before I could squeeze past two crowded tables.

Kael scooted out of his chair, saying something to the other three guys at the table before making his way to me. I offered an awkward wave and stiff smile and shot out the door. When I glanced around the square, Amie was nowhere in sight.

“Not cool,” I muttered to myself as the bar door opened behind me.

“Mrs. Smith.”

I turned, jerking each side of my jacket together before zipping it. “Your mom, huh? I remind you of your mom. That’s pretty messed up, Kael, considering the things we’ve done.”

He tucked his hands into his back pockets and shuffled a few feet to the side as another group of men stuffed themselves into the bar. “You’ve talked with Tillie.”

“She’s in my grief recovery group at church. We had a meeting tonight. Yes, I know about your budding relationship. All of the things you have in common. I know she’s going to invite you to our church this Sunday with the hopes of saving your soul.”

“Saving my soul, huh? Sounds intense.”

After zipping my stubborn jacket, I slipped on my mittens. “I’m serious, Kael. If you don’t watch your step with Tillie, I won’t have to put you out of business; the residents of Epperly will run you out of town for breaking Tillie’s fragile little heart. Everybody loves her. I realize you think everybody loves you but take that times ten and you’ll get a glimpse of the affection people have toward Tillie.”

“Hey, I’m not arguing with you there. She’s amazing.”

It was hard to be angry with the truth. I didn’t have an issue with Tillie being amazing. I had an issue with Kael saying it to me after what we had done together.

“She is. I’m sure the two of you will be very happy together. See you Sunday at church.”

“Whoa … whoa … whoa …” As I started to escape in the opposite direction, he grabbed my arm. “You know where I stand with marriage and happily-ever-afters.”

“I do. But clearly Tillie doesn’t. And you’re young. You’re allowed to change your views, especially if a game-changer comes along.”

“And you’re my game-changer?”

“No. Aren’t you listening to me? Tillie, you idiot. Tillie is your game-changer.”

“Is this jealousy?” He smirked.

“Ugh! No! I’m not jealous. I don’t want to marry you. I don’t want your babies. I don’t want to invite you to my church.”

“I told you … I’ve had a vasectomy. No babies.”

I frowned. “That wasn’t my point.”

“Then what is your point? Because I’m not getting it.”

“Don’t hurt Tillie. That’s my point.”

Lines formed along his forehead. “I wasn’t planning on it. What is this really about?”

I deflated. “Look … ten years ago, if someone would have asked me if I could see myself having no-strings-attached sex—no commitment, no love, no pressure for anything more—I would have laughed in their face. The idea would have seemed absurd. But now that it’s happening to me, I don’t know the rules. And maybe there are no rules. But I think I need some rules, at least for myself. Some moral boundaries. I don’t …” I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I don’t care if you…” I glanced around to see if anyone was close by who could hear us “…have sex with Tillie. That’s not my business. And while I don’t want you to tell her you’ve done it with me, I do need you to be honest enough to let her know you have no intentions of being monogamous with her. Unless …”

My nose wrinkled as I caught myself rambling and putting words into his mouth like I knew his intentions with me, Tillie, or any other woman in Epperly.

“Unless?” He took a step closer to me.

“Unless you are planning on being with her,” I murmured. “Which is fine, and again … none of my business.” My gaze worked its way up to his. “You can’t hurt me.”

That was a lie, but I liked how strong I felt saying it.

“But Tillie isn’t looking for casual sex. So don’t hurt my friend.”

“I want to touch you right now.”

Swallowing hard, I surveyed the area again. The intensity of his eyes on me, the heat from his proximity, and the suggestiveness in his voice did euphoric things to my body.

“Are you wet, Elsie?”

I blinked and turned my head Copyright 2016 - 2024