Not Magic Enough and Setting Boundaries - By Valerie Douglas Page 0,37

would be made.

Marantha looked at him. “Come,” she said, gently.

He went.

Drawing him into the shadows, she looked up at him and in that moment, he knew. Delae had told him true. This was the one he’d been waiting for, his soul-bond, the one who would love him in the face of everything.

Slowly, he lowered his mouth to Marantha’s. This time the joining wasn’t smooth and gentle, it was fierce, wild. It lifted him up and filled all the spaces that had been empty until he was no longer alone, nor was Marantha, but they were joined as one. His heart opened and his spirit found the mirror to it… A true soul-bond. He discovered a joy to match what Delae had given him, soothing his spirit.

Delae, who had loved him as long as she could. Her warmth surrounded him and then released him, her joy at his bond clear.

Dorovan let her go and he heard her laughter ring as he took Marantha to him.

Marantha, the other part of his soul, who would love him, always, throughout all the long years.

There was magic enough for this.

Setting Boundaries

A novella, part of the Otherling Series


Valerie Douglas

Published by the author as a member of the

Alexandria Publishing Group

Setting Boundaries Copyright © 2010 Valerie Douglas

Cover art by V. J. Douglas

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Discover other titles by Valerie Douglas


The Coming Storm Series

The Coming Storm

A Convocation of Kings

Not Magic Enough

Heart of the Gods

Song of the Fairy Queen


The Last Resort


Dirty Politics

Directors Cut

Irish Fling

Two Up


To Mr. Cross, the inspiration for Daran High King, and all those who inspire writers to continue writing. My thanks.

Chapter One

Jareth hurried up the cobbled street - the long skirts of his formal robes hampering his long strides. It probably would have helped if he hadn’t put on his rough wool working trews beneath them but it seemed best to be prepared in case they wanted to leave right away. Elves were rarely unprepared, and he wanted to make a good first impression. His travel pack was slung over his shoulder, fully packed.

He passed the plaza where the new Council Chamber under construction, just as the Dwarves set the great crystal dome in place. Their magic crackled in the air - the sense of it sharp, stinging, like striking flint on steel. It seemed oddly fortuitous to him to walk by just at that moment.

Sunlight glinted from the crystal and the gold and silver veined marble of the columns. His breath caught at the beauty of it all. Trust the Elves to design something both functional and beautiful. Well, especially one Elf in particular.

The Council Chamber was a chamber in name only. In truth it was a great open plaza designed by Elon of Aerilann himself so the people of the Kingdoms would be able to come see their laws being made. The massive granite and marble building behind it was for the offices of the Councilors - of which Elon was one - both the High and Low and for standing space on the verandas outside.

Dwarves swarmed all over both. Dwarves in the High King’s city of Doncerric, imagine! No one could remember a time when Copyright 2016 - 2024