Not Magic Enough and Setting Boundaries - By Valerie Douglas Page 0,30

the livestock grazing there, at the vines - thick with grapes - that twined above his head, the barrels of mead, wine and beer and could find no fault.

Nor, he thought, could he find fault with anything other.

Smothering a smile, he watched Geric as he spoke in a corner of the courtyard with pretty young Selah, her head bowed gracefully; a shy smile curved her lips.

Hastan glanced at his own beloved Telerach and caught her glance as it met his.

A tremor went through him, a shiver of warmth that was the bond between them. Few of her people understood their love, not knowing that Telerach named it a true soul-bond. All he knew was that he couldn’t live without her. He raised her fingers to his lips and she smiled, all the warmth and love he could want there in her eyes.

She nodded and then glanced over at their son, too.

Hastan sighed.

It had been difficult to find him a bride among those of the other lesser Kingdoms, as much for his mother’s blood as for Riverford’s location among the outermost of the lesser Kingdoms. Many were offended by the idea he had the blood of Dwarves in his veins, as if there was something to be ashamed of in being a part of that long-lived and strong race.

To some extent Telerach’s people felt the same about men.

In the end, then, they’d had only each other. And then Geric.

Softly, Telerach said, a smile beginning to light her eyes, “It will be a good match.”

And so Delae found herself guesting and being guested by the Heir to Riverford now and again.

From a distance, Dorovan watched Selah marry the only son and Heir to the King of Riverford, having watched the love grow between them in the same way as he did now, with his arms around Delae’s shoulders as she leaned back against him. The two of them stood unseen in their copse within the trees while Geric and Selah rode together across the fields.

Daran was now High King of all men. He and the Elf Elon of Aerilann had forged an Agreement that made peace at last between Men, Elves and Dwarves. It was easier now for Dorovan to travel as fewer remarked on it, although he still had to be careful. Not all men were reconciled to parity with the long-lived Elves - who they thought of as arrogant and cold - or the Dwarves - who they considered stolid and stupid.

“So,” Delae asked, shortly after the Agreement was signed, her head in Dorovan’s lap, “Elon of Aerilann is First among equals, like a lesser King among your people?”

Amused, Dorovan nodded as he played with her hair as he was wont to do. He loved the living feel of it, the way it curled around his fingers.

“Of a sort, yes.”

Waving it away, she said with an answering smile, “Less formal, yes, yes, I know. And he is a master swordsman but you are a Swordmaster.”

He nodded.

“I am good - Elon is better,” he said equably, but searched for a better explanation. “Elon teaches the teachers.”

“Ah,” Delae said, then shook her head. “But this means it will be easier for you to come here?”

“Fewer will take note of it,” he said, lowering his lips to her forehead. “We’ll still have to be careful.”

She was still and always would be a balm to his soul.

Then suddenly she shot up to look at him. “Dorovan, I almost forgot to tell you, Selah is pregnant!”

Children and grandchildren and still most people of men took them for granted.

He didn’t. Excitement rushed through him.

“When is she due?” he asked.

“In the deep of summer,” Delae said, smiling. “Geric is thrilled and Selah simply glows.”

To Dorovan’s pleasure, Selah came for a visit and let her beloved friend Dorovan touch her swelling belly, her sweet gentle face full of love and wonder. He held his hand against her and felt the baby kick as he looked at Selah.

She smiled, radiantly.

Chapter Eleven

It was a dark and stormy night, much as the night when Delae had first met Dorovan, if not as cold, when Delae was sure, when she knew, watching the bright lights that danced in the air above the baby’s crib. Desperately she locked her feelings down, heartsick and terrified, hoping and praying Dorovan didn’t sense her fear, her heartbreak. She couldn’t tell him - not even him. This would be the only secret she’d ever kept from him and the only one she ever would. He must never Copyright 2016 - 2024