Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3) - T. Gephart Page 0,76

with Diablo. And I can’t imagine you doing anything else either. I don’t care that there are nights we can’t be together, because when we are, it actually means something.”

“Presley, I love you, and I love my job. And fuck yeah, we can have both. And I’d rather spend a night sitting in your club waiting for you than wasting time with someone else.”

He was so sure, no doubt clouding his beautiful blue eyes as he brushed the hair off my face. “Is there something else you want to tell me? Or do you just need me to tell you that I love you and no matter what happens in the future, that isn’t going to change. Because I can do that.”

My teeth played with my bottom lip, the internal deliberation raging out of control. David had told me not to tell anyone about Diablo’s second site, swearing me to secrecy until the contracts were signed. But I needed to tell him, wanting to share it, even if it meant breaking my word to David. “Jared, I’m going to be investing in another site for Diablo. I’m not even supposed to talk about it yet but I’m really excited. It will be mine, not because I’m running it, but because I own a stake in it. And it might mean I’m gone more hours, but it’s what I want.”

His lips spread into a grin. “Did you not hear what I said less than a minute ago? I love you; nothing is going to change. If you need something from me, all you have to do is ask. And yeah, I’m going to miss you when you’re not around, but I know where you are, Presley. And I’m so fucking proud of you. You’re amazing, way too good for me.”

“Stop that,” I pushed against his chest, “you are amazing too.”

We were right in that moment when his weight shifted. I stared at him puzzled watching as he lifted himself off the bed, and then without warning, pulled me off the mattress and hauled me over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I squealed, my head hanging down his back as he smacked my bare ass.

“We’re going to go celebrate. I’m taking you out to breakfast even though you say you hate it, and then we’re going to work out when we’re telling our friends and family. I’m talking pulling out schedules, checking when your dad is back in town, and setting up a phone tree. Because the first chance we get, we’re doing it, Presley. I’m not hiding this anymore.”

And for once, I didn’t argue.

He was absolutely right.

It had been amazing spending time with both Leighton and Jared. The line between them was blurring, making me feel slightly undeserving and insanely lucky. Either of them would have made an amazing boyfriend, but together, it was like winning the boyfriend lottery. And more than I could have ever hoped for.

We went to breakfast like he wanted, went to the grocery store and even went home and cooked ourselves dinner. He watched as I got ready for Diablo, making me promise at least five times that I would get a ride home with Raelle before he agreed to drop me off at work and then go spend the night at his apartment. He’d even offered to get up early and pick me up but that wasn’t practical, and I didn’t want to be blamed for him being exhausted.

I hated being responsible, wanting to be selfish and have him meet me early in the morning like he’d suggested. But what he did was important and in order to keep being at the top of his game at work, he needed sleep. I would never forgive myself if he put himself or anyone else at risk because of me. And I was totally capable of spending one night alone, even if I knew I was going to hate it.

Never had my bed felt so empty as it did that night, the sheets feeling cold as I slipped between them, my arms reaching for a body that wasn’t there. It reaffirmed what I already knew. I might not need Jared, but God, I really wanted him.

The next morning, I woke early. It was ten-thirty and I wasn’t even mad. I got up, ate breakfast—who was I anymore?—and went about my regular routine.

I traded text messages with Jared, smiling like an idiot with each exchange. I didn’t even care how cliché it seemed, loving hearing from him even Copyright 2016 - 2024