Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3) - T. Gephart Page 0,68

palm as my eyes widened. He pumped into me, nodding in an unspoken promise that he’d give me whatever I asked.

His hand against my mouth slipped, his lips stealing my heated moan before it could escape.

We were so close, everything touching and yet barriers of clothes separating us. But it didn’t matter, my body splintering into a million pieces as he kissed me feverishly, taking my pleasure into his body like it was his own.

“God, you’re beautiful.” His kisses slowed, his hand still buried in my underwear. “I love watching you come, Presley.”

I kissed him back, hungry for more as I reached down and rubbed against the bulge in his jeans. I knew he’d be hard, wanting to give him exactly what he’d given me.

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” He brushed my hand aside, sliding his fingers out of me. “We’ve already tempted fate, let’s not get totally stupid.”

He was right. Of course, he was right. It had been how many minutes? Ten? More? I had no idea how much time we’d spent in that room, but I knew it was longer than it took to drop off a bag and show me the bathroom.

“I want to blow you so bad,” I ground out in frustration, my voiced irritation making him grin.

He groaned, pressing his forehead to mine. “And I’d like nothing more than to have you suck me. But not right now, it’s going to have to wait. You remember where the bathroom is up here? Or do you really need me to show you?”

“I remember,” I pouted, watching him adjust himself in his jeans.

He lifted his fingers—the ones that had been inside of me—to his lips and sucked them. His eyes flickered, savoring what was in his mouth before returning his gaze back to me. “Not even close to the taste I wanted, but it will have to do. I’m going to do the best I can to hide this,” he pointed to the hard rod pressing against his fly, “and then meet you back down there.”

“Okay, I might just go ahead and get changed. Save me time in case dinner is running late.” I glanced back at him, my fingers teasing the bottom of my T-shirt.

He coughed, that bulge he’d readjusted probably needing additional attention as he took a step toward the door. “Sure, whatever you want.”

“Maybe I’ll make myself come again before I do.” My hand moved from the hem of my top to my waistband. “You know, since I’ll already be naked.”

His look was heated, almost murderous, as he froze. “You are not playing fair.”

I laughed, unable to help myself.

Of course, I’d been kidding. Because not only was my body still limp from the orgasm he’d given me, but I wasn’t perverted enough to get myself off while everyone else was downstairs. Sure, that was pretty hypocritical since I’d seemed to have no problem at all when he was doing it, but logic was funny like that.

“Go,” I motioned to the door, “I promise I was joking.”

With one final kiss and a heated huff, he left me alone in the room. I heard the faucet running from the bathroom down the hall, waiting until I heard his footsteps descending the stairs before I finally allowed myself to take off my clothes. I didn’t trust myself. Or him either to be honest, knowing how easy it would be to pull him back into the room and finish what we started.

Uh, so much for not being a pervert.

Shaking my head and reminding myself his entire family was downstairs including his mother, I got my clothes out of my bag and started to change.

His room hadn’t changed much since he’d moved out. It was painted the same slate grey, just with a fresh coat, his old queen-sized bed pushed against the wall. But the energy was different, the smell of him gone when he’d walked out the door instead of lingering in the room like it used to when he slept there. I liked it, the fresh scent of his cologne or deodorant, the thought of it making me smile. The memory of sneaking up to his room with the excuse of looking for my brother flashed in my mind. He’d smelled delicious back then too, the urge to bury my face in his pillow still very vivid even though it had been years ago.

It was ridiculous to be so excited about how someone smelled. Surely that wasn’t normal. And yes, I knew the perfume industry had Copyright 2016 - 2024