Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3) - T. Gephart Page 0,65

So yeah, I’m out.”

It should have been the end of the conversation, but that would’ve been too easy. Tibbs chewing his mouthful before adding, “so, we’ll hang out later. Actually, here’s a plan. Why don’t you leave your car at your mom’s and I’ll come get you. Then we can go do something, and I’ll drive so you can have a few beers. Trust me, after a few hours with a bunch of kids, you’re going to need it. I’ll drop you back in the morning to pick it up.”

“Is this your way to try and score birthday cake, Tibbs? Because if you want some, I can just bring some home.” I tried not to panic, my throat feeling tight.

Tibbs laughed, not noticing I couldn’t breathe. “Dude, your mom loves me. I’m like the son she never had.”

“She has a son, me,” I pointed out, not in the mood for the famous Tibbs logic.

“Exactly, which is why she needs me.” He waved his hand, not bothering to hide his grin. “Listen, tell you what. I’m heading to Long Island anyway in the afternoon to see my folks. Mom needs to fuss over Presley and make sure she’s okay. So, I’ll be out there anyway.”

Mention of his sister had my immediate attention, especially since I hadn’t spoken to her in the last few hours. I knew she had some kind of meeting at the Plaza, and I’d told her about my family thing tomorrow, but other than that, nada. “You both should stop by. Dinner is always early or the kids get cranky and my mom hasn’t seen Presley in forever. Annnnd, since we’ll have to leave to take her to work, I’ll have an excuse to leave.”

Oh, I knew I was being shady. Using Tibbs as the middleman so I could see Presley. Did I give a shit? Not even a little. Not to mention I liked the idea of her being with me and my family, the opportunity too good to pass up.

Tibbs nodded, oblivious to my ulterior motives. “Yeah, sounds good. You bringing the girlfriend to Maddy’s birthday?”

“No,” I answered truthfully, after all, I wasn’t bringing anyone. Presley was coming with Tibbs, so as far as breaking one of the commandments, I was free and clear. “I show up with a girl and my mother is going to be planning the wedding. I like this girl, I don’t want to scare her off.”

That was also true.

I wanted nothing more than to take Presley to my house and introduce her as my girlfriend. One, because my family already loved Presley, and two, because I didn’t want to hide it anymore. But that came with consequences, ones that would see my mother calling Mrs. Tibbs and the two of them already naming the grandkids. And that was pressure I didn’t want to put on either of us, especially since everything had been so great. So we compromised and got creative. I’d get to have my girlfriend with me, by my side, and we wouldn’t have to deal with the family drama that would surely erupt.

It was a win/win.

“Good plan. Let me know what Maddy wants and I’ll pick something up tomorrow. My mom will kill me if I show up without a present. Never thought I’d be excited to go to a kid’s birthday party, but your mom’s cooking is the best. I actually can’t wait.”

I barely kept the grin from my face as I agreed, “Yeah, me either, buddy. Me either.”

My mom’s family was Irish, which translated to a lot of fucking people. Even though most of them hadn’t set foot on the Emerald Isle, they popped out kids like it was their job. And don’t even get me started on religion. They lived their lives like Jesus was watching, and prayed to the saints and angels in an effort to cover all their bases. You’d be hard pressed to walk into any of their houses and not see a crucifix, the chance of a devoted holy wall, better than average.

But unlike my mom’s seven brothers and sisters, she’d only had us three; Deanna, Sarah and me.

Deanna was the oldest, and already had two kids. Mason was seven—who she’d had with her deadbeat first husband—and the birthday girl, Maddy. And Sarah—the middle kid—had a three-year-old son named Sammy. So, as you could imagine, my mother—whose family was huuuuuge—loved nothing more than getting the gang together and feeding everyone until they thought they were going to die. The woman was Copyright 2016 - 2024