Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3) - T. Gephart Page 0,38

Although since I was no longer preoccupied with regulating my temperature it brought a whole other set of problems. Namely being in a confined space with Jared.

Wow, he was hot.

Unlike mine, his arms weren’t covered in goosebumps. Instead I was treated to the subtle flexing of his muscles as he steered and changed gears. Those strong, toned legs were working the clutch and the gas, my eyes having a hard time knowing where to focus. How had I ridden in a car with him so many times before and not climbed into his lap? And more to the point, how was I going to stop myself from doing it now?

Look somewhere else, I begged, forcing my head to turn and stare out the side window. Better. I mean, I could still smell that intoxicating mix of shampoo, soap and deodorant that made my hormones go haywire for no apparent reason, but at least if I wasn’t looking at him directly, I had a chance of controlling myself.

“Are you too hot?” I heard his voice rumble from the other side of the car, not bothering to turn. That would’ve been a bad move, we didn’t have that much farther to go and I could definitely hold out a little longer.

“I’m fine,” I deadpanned, studying the sidewalk we were whizzing past like there was going to be a test on it later.

It wasn’t until he cleared his throat that I noticed my hand fanning myself. My intention to keep my steamy thoughts to myself manifesting themselves in what could only be described as sabotage courtesy of my body.

Knotting my hands in my lap so they could no longer continue their mutiny, we finally pulled into the staff parking lot at Diablo. It was one of the amazing benefits of the site, the large area backing onto shrubbery, giving my staff plenty of space to put their cars and trucks and not have to fight for prime real estate on the street.

He cut the engine, his intention to sit in the club all night fairly clear. And while it was something he’d done a million times before, it was feeling a whole lot different this time around.

The door beside me opened, his exit from the car taking place while I was strategizing how I could keep my distance from him and not look like a freak. I had a job to do which should have made it easier, and it would’ve been perfect if I didn’t like to spend the majority of the time on the floor. The last few nights I’d been holed up in my office and I needed to be seen, so I guess I was going to have to get creative in ways to circle the club and not get distracted by his sexy body.

I smiled, because that’s what I’d have done for Leighton if he’d opened the door, and stepped out into the mostly empty parking lot. Other than Bennett and possibly Hank, it was too early for the others, the idea that I might have to entertain him until we opened making me nauseous.

“You still cold?” He eyed me carefully, mistaking my self-administrated upper body hug as having something to do with the temperature. I mean, he was half right, it was cold. But I was more concerned about my nipples cutting through the fabric of my pretty gold dress because I was so turned on.

It didn’t make sense.

Leighton, I reminded myself, just think of him as Leighton.

“A little,” I answered honestly, figuring I had the whole night to lie. “I’ll be fine once we get inside.”

He nodded, thankfully not asking questions as he followed me into the club. I shuffled a few steps ahead, using the cold as the excuse for my hustle when really I could use the extra distraction of people. Bennett would definitely have something to say, his big mouth not only predictable but would probably earn him a raise if it helped break the sexual tension.

“Boss.” Right on cue, Bennett showed almost no reaction to the man accessory a few steps behind. Just a slightly raised brow and the thinnest of smirks, he was saving his twenty questions for when we were in private. Yet another reason to give the man a raise.

“Hey, B, Leighton,” good, keep calling him that, “gave me a ride and is going to hang out. Can you make sure Hank takes care of him and then come see me in my office?” I threw the words out Copyright 2016 - 2024