Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3) - T. Gephart Page 0,30

correctly, my mouth stopped from asking him to repeat it by his on mine. His arms pulled me close, fingers sliding down my back and gripping my ass as he deepened the kiss.

“Jesus, Presley.” His hand touched my bare ass, hauling me off my feet. “You’re killing me.”

It hadn’t been my plan.

Or maybe it had, my hands gripping his T-shirt and pulling him closer. “Kiss me again.”

Just like he promised, he did exactly what I asked, my legs wrapping around his waist as he took my mouth. His hungry lips demanded more, a whimper escaping from my throat as I let him dominate.

I loved the way it felt, so intense and passionate. Less like he was kissing me and more like it was his calling. He moved slowly, pressing me hard against his body as he carried me through the space. He smelled of soap and shampoo, my fingers running through his hair as I kissed his neck.

“You need to sleep,” he whispered between kisses, laying me down on the mattress and pressing his body down on me. “I’m not going to be held responsible when you’re cranky later.”

I groaned, wanting more as I rubbed myself against him. “I thought we agreed you weren’t going to tell me what to do. You should take your shirt off, you’re wearing too much.”

His hands left me for a second, reached around to his back and pulled off his T-shirt. He was perfection, the toned muscles of his abs flexing as the shirt got tossed to the side.

“Your pants too,” I panted, pointing to the jeans that were still very much in the way. Since he’d already stopped kissing and touching me, it made sense to capitalize on it. And I’d already decided that I wanted them off.

He hesitated, taking a second or two before unbuttoning his jeans and lowering the zipper. He kicked them off, stripping his socks from his feet but leaving his boxer briefs.

I was stopped from arguing by his mouth back on mine, kissing me as he positioned me on the bed, his body slipping into the gap between my legs. “I’m not fucking you tonight, Presley.” Teeth grazed against my shoulder, making my skin tingle.

“What?” I gasped between kisses, not wanting to stop for proper clarification.

Fingers traveled up my leg, following the curve of muscles until they rested on my hip. “You heard me.”

My mind was swimming, too turned on to think straight and confused that if sex wasn’t our end game, what the hell were we doing? I didn’t imagine the hard-on brushing against my core. Or the way he panted with desperation at my mouth. So unless this was a really vivid dream and I hadn’t woken up, his words were at total odds with his actions.

“You need to . . . do . . . what I say.” I tried forming sentences while continuing to kiss him. And it wasn’t one-sided either, his lips just as busy as mine. “You promised.”

“I said within reason, gorgeous. And reason has nothing to do with what we’re doing now.”

Irritation crawled up my skin, wondering if it was payback for kissing him in my office. But unlike then, we hadn’t been interrupted or stopped, continuing to tease each other as we struggled to breathe. I pulled back, angling my mouth out of the way so I could look him in the eye with the limited light I had. “Are you just going to turn me on and then go take a cold shower? You know that isn’t going away by itself.” My eyes tipped to the cock straining against the cotton of his boxer briefs.

He shook his head, a smile edging across his lips. “You let me worry about that. And I said I wasn’t going to fuck you; I didn’t say I wasn’t going to make you come.”

With his intentions clear, he pressed his hard length against me. I was wet, already turned on from everything that came before, the friction as he rubbed making me even hotter.

It felt amazing, the gentle roll of his hips teasing me so much I could barely stand it. My head lolled back as my eyes shut, my knees widening to give him better access. “Oooohhhhh mmyyyyy Goddd,” I stuttered out, feeling a finger move to where his cock had been.

My slip had ridden up, exposing my naked lower body while the straps had fallen off my shoulders, no longer containing my breasts. The fabric was completely redundant, but he didn’t stop Copyright 2016 - 2024