Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3) - T. Gephart Page 0,22

wasn’t the first time I’d heard it, David himself hinting that if I was agreeable to more school and some serious mentoring, that I’d have a place higher up in the corporation. And if I hadn’t been so in love with the city and my job, it might have been appealing. But I’d already made my decision, and I was going another route. Let’s just hope he was as equally excited. “It’s not a little club, Lorena. Next time you visit, you should come see for yourself.”

“Maybe I will.” She chuckled. “Have a nice day, Presley.”

“Goodnight, Lorena.”

Still mostly wet, not managing to wrap the towel around me, I headed back to the bathroom to dry off. There was no point attempting anything else, my earlier thoughts of releasing some tension via an orgasm, left for another time. Instead I got dressed, put on my makeup and blew out my hair. No point wasting the head start, and if I was meeting with David next week, I was going to need every spare moment I had.


“SO WHAT HAPPENS with North when he has the baby?” Evans asked, looking up from his broom as he swept the bays.

Tibbs laughed, shaking his head as he checked the hose on the ladder. “Didn’t you have Sex Ed in high school, Rookie? Looks like Uncle Tibbs is gonna have to take you aside and tell you how that shit works.”

Evans rolled his eyes, looking to me for a bail out as I shrugged. “Dude, you walked into that one.”

“You know I mean, Quinn.” He flipped off Tibbs before turning his conversation back to me. “I meant is he going to be gone awhile? They going to replace him?”

Even with everything on my mind—Presley and my new extracurricular activities—I had a hunch where the conversation was heading. “Jesus, between Tibbs taking his deodorant and you gunning for his job, poor North doesn’t stand a chance. Steady on, Rookie, you’ll get your place at the table.”

“I’ve been here for over twelve months, guys. When are you going to stop calling me Rookie?”

“When we get a new one.” Tibbs offered honestly, chuckling with no apology. “And you technically aren’t out of your probie period, so I wouldn’t be making suggestions about replacing North.”

Evans was a good trainee, and as far as progress went, he’d made some massive strides. But you can’t just replace a guy like Riley North, and sure as hell not with a kid who was only recently been allowed to buy his own beer.

“Dude, seriously? I ain’t looking to replace him, I just want to show Cap, I can do more than what I’m doing. Maybe I’ll go chat with the chief, see if I can’t get him on my side.”

Honestly, I had to admire the guy. He had some balls because Mack usually intimidated the fuck out of the new kids. Not intentionally, but there was only so much intensity the man could dial down. “Maybe aim lower, and mention it to Cap first? Chief baked us cookies the other day and I’m hoping he might continue the trend. Last thing we need is you pissing him off and us missing out on that goodness.”

“Leighton’s right. Don’t fuck it up for all of us. Those cookies were almost as good as Rev’s wife’s.” Tibbs pointed a finger in warning at Evans.

Evans shoved the broom to the end of the bay. “Yeah, okay. I’ll go catch up with him now.”

Deciding it was none of my business, I let the kid go do whatever it was he was going to do. If my head wasn’t so clouded, I might have suggested he cooled it and let natural progression happen. Initiative was always encouraged, but the brass liked to see it rather than hear about it. Still, it wasn’t my funeral.

“I think you should call Presley.”

If I hadn’t already been thinking about her, the mention of her name would be enough.

“Tibbs, it’s not even noon. You know her rule. If it’s not life or limb, that’s a hard pass.” I tried to shrug it off casually like I wouldn’t fucking leap at the excuse. Couldn’t even pretend that I wasn’t thrilled I had a reason to call her and that hopefully she’d be forced to talk to me. Not that I could admit that without raising some serious eyebrows, which was why I attempted to play it cool.

Tibbs looked at his watch, our day having started a lot earlier than hers. “Just don’t forget. And try and Copyright 2016 - 2024