Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3) - T. Gephart Page 0,13

how awesome she was, it was a flat-out tie between her and Bennett as to who was my most invaluable employee. Only reason she didn’t know about the expansion yet, was because she—like most bartenders—liked to talk. And I didn’t need information shared before the time was right. But she didn’t just have a big mouth, her ability to listen an even bigger commodity. Hell, I was positive Rae had heard more confessionals than a Catholic Cardinal, and unlike the Padre, she wasn’t bound by the constraints of the cloth.

“The warning is unnecessary. I don’t sleep with guests or movie stars. And I’ve made enough bad decisions for a while.” She probably assumed I was talking about Lewis and I wasn’t going to correct her. “But apparently he has business to discuss, and as much as I think it could be a line, I don’t think he’s smart enough.”

Rae laughed, tipping her head back and letting her mess of red curls go wild. “Business? Presley, I’ve had vibrators with higher IQs, only business he’s capable of is screwing up an orgasm.”

“Still, I’ve invited him to set up a meeting, and I don’t want to go in blind. Do your thing and let me know what you find out. A man like that isn’t able to keep his mouth shut. I’m sure it won’t be too hard to find out what he wants.”

The smirk on Rae’s lips was instantaneous, her excitement for my random assignments almost more than the love of her job. And she’d never let me down. Because if you needed to know something, a bartender could usually find out. Hell, I was sure they had some secret society or something. A skull-and-bones underground establishment with better networking than the Freemasons. And when they gathered, Boston shakers and jiggers in hand, they traded the secrets no one else knew.

“I’ll call my guy in L.A. at Tight and see if he knows anything. Scott likes to hang out there.”

I leaned forward, no doubt the information would be landing in my lap faster than any P.I. I could hire. “Good. Do your thing and let me know if you need anything. I’m not expecting a freebie.”

“Girrrrrl, you know I’ve got this.” She waved her hand, shrugging like it was all good. “Besides, Blaze has a crush on Scott, so will be only too happy to spill. I keep telling him the man is pretty but incredibly straight, not that Blaze will listen. Who do you think told me about his inability to give a woman an O? He’s freaking tickled about it, convinced since Scott needs an orienteering map to find the G-Spot he is probably better suited to the D.”

The laugh bubbled up my throat. “Good, then I’ll see you later on the floor. We can discuss it further on the ride home.”

Rae flipped her hair over her shoulder, eyeing me suspiciously. “You sure you don’t want to ask Leighton for that ride? He’s probably still at the bar. I can send him back here if you want. You know, to make sure things are all good.”

There was no need to clarify the subtext, I was positive I knew what things Rae was referring to. And unlike Scott, Jared did not need a map.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve got a mountain of work to get through.” I motioned to my desk, the papers still in disarray.

“Okay, girlfriend. Enjoy. I’ll see you on the battlefield.” She mock saluted, turning around and then sashaying her lithe body out the door.

My eyes went to the monitors, Jared putting his bottle on the bar, looking toward the back of the club where my office was.

He was considering it.

And then he turned and walked toward the exit.

Damn it.


AS FAR AS making shit right, I hadn’t.

Nope, instead I was laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling with a hard-on for a woman whose brother was occupying the next room.

But Jesus Christ, that mouth.

It was easier for me to remind myself I was going to be hands-off when she wasn’t standing in front of me. But one look at her, that body and that smartass mouth, and I was making bad decisions all over again.

Hadn’t intended to kiss her, but fuck me, if I could stop myself.

“Fuuuuuuck,” I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut and trying to ignore the pain in my balls. I had to be up in a few hours and wasn’t liking my chances of getting any decent sleep.

Who knew what would’ve happened if Copyright 2016 - 2024