Northern Rebel Daring in the Dark - By Jennifer Labrecque Page 0,127

called myself. I knew you’d be angry and if Simon found out so would he. I just didn’t want to face it tonight. I didn’t want to deal with it.”

“You created the monster, Dr. Frankenstein. Deal with it.”

“You’re right.”

“I am.” How could you continue to berate someone who simply agreed with you? What she’d really wanted to say to him when she saw him face-to-face was that she hoped his dick would drop off, but now...he’d probably just agree with her, and where was the satisfaction in that?

“I’m sorry for so many things...for not having the courage to tell you how conflicted I was about my sexuality before things went further with Richard. Then I should’ve been man enough to face you alone and tell you myself. And I’m sorry for being a jerk earlier.”

She’d never been a grudge holder. She forgave far too easily. She wasn’t sure whether she was cursed or blessed. And her ability to so easily forgive his betrayal also spoke to the fact that she hadn’t loved him the way she should love a man to marry him. And despite the fact that her logic and rationale had been impugned tonight, she was a very logical woman. If Elliott hadn’t behaved the way he had at every turn, tonight might never have happened with Simon. And she was immensely, intensely glad that tonight had happened with Simon. She had no regrets.

“That about covers it with us. I accept your apology and I no longer hope that your dick drops off.”

Surprise, followed closely by relief, chased across his face. He chuckled. “I didn’t want you pissed at me forever.”

“I can’t say I particularly like Richard, but if you care about him and he makes you happy, then I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you. That’s more than I deserve.”

“Yeah, it is, isn’t it?”

Tawny grinned and Elliott reached over and smoothed her hair behind her ear. “You’re a kick-ass woman, Tawny. A part of me wishes things had worked out with us.”

“It never would have, Elliott. And I have to say I’m glad it didn’t,” she said. “I’m okay, but have you made things right with Simon?”

Elliott nodded. “We’re good. We talked about what happened earlier.” He grimaced. “I’ve had to eat a lot of humble pie tonight.”

“Only your fair share.”

“Could you maybe go a little easy on me?”

“I’m not sure you deserve it, but I’ll try.”

“We talked about his parents.”

“It’s odd. I thoroughly detested them for the way they’ve treated him, but I couldn’t help but like them when I met them.”

“Welcome to my world. They’ve totally screwed up Simon’s head—and it’s a mess—but they’re not deliberately cruel, just thoughtless. They’ve always been courteous. I never felt unwelcome in their house when we were teenagers, but there’s always this distance. Fine if you’re the friend, but it really sucks if you’re their kid. Simon pretends it doesn’t matter, pretends he doesn’t care, but all he’s ever wanted was for them to notice him.” He looked thoroughly disgusted. “They didn’t even make it to our high school graduation.”

Tawny ached on Simon’s behalf and thought more of him than ever before. “He didn’t hesitate when his dad called and asked him to come. And from the sound of things, that’s so much more than they deserved. He deserves better parents.”

Elliott smiled faintly at her vehemence. “A lot of people do. But we have to play the hand we’re dealt. Simon’s one of the finest men I know, but they’ve scarred him.”

She drew a deep breath and plunged into the deep end with both feet. “I love him, Elliott.” It felt new and fresh and all the more real for giving it voice. Even now she was aware of him across the room with every fiber of her being.

The melancholy in Elliott’s eyes touched her. He nodded. “I know.”

“You do? How could you possibly...?”

“I knew the second I saw the two of you together in Dr. M’s room.” Elliott creased the napkin on the table between them.

She laughed self-consciously. “Ridiculous, isn’t it? Yesterday you and I were engaged and now I’m sitting here telling you I’m in love with him.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s ridiculous at all. I’d say it’s just the way it is, much the same as me winding up with Richard.”

“You’re his best friend. I need you to be okay with this.” It wasn’t particularly easy asking for his blessing.

“I have to be okay with it, otherwise you’ll nag me to death and kick my ass in the meantime.”

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