Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,93

at her though.” I scrunch up my brow. “That’s not weird is it?”

He chuckles squatting down beside the rocking chair. “No. I think all new loving parents want to stare at new babies. It’s hard to believe that we made something so beautiful.” He whispers in awe looking at Audrey.

I smooth back his wild hair and my heart clenches at the love in his voice and eyes. “I love you so much big foot.”

“I love you too smalls.” he says looking up at me. He looks back at Audrey before saying, “I never thought I would love someone as much as you, but I do. God thank you for this beautiful gift.”

“No thank you. I never knew I wanted what I have until you gave it to me. I couldn’t be happier.” I smile softly at him, slowly rocking.

“I beg to differ.” He winks at me before getting up and walking off to the bedroom. He returns after a minute hiding something behind his back. I clutch Audrey closer to me and he gets down on one knee and pulls out a little black box, Tiffany’s written on the top. “Do me the greatest honor and marry me. The only thing that could make our lives any better is if you have my last name.”


My life has taken a complete 180 since Norma Jean walked back in to my life. I never thought I could be this incredibly happy. One tiny woman and a baby later, I feel next to bursting with it. I don’t even care if I sound like a woman right now. I’m that happy.

I don’t know why it took me so long to pop the question to Norma. I’ve had the ring in my underwear drawer for months. I guess seeing how completely happy she was made me realize it was time. And when she said yes, that feeling still hasn’t gone away.

We called her mom first thing that morning and the woman was here before lunch. They have been planning this day for weeks and it’s finally here. Her dad even paid for it. I guess he thought he hasn’t done enough for her, and wanted to give her this. I honestly couldn’t thank the man enough for creating such an amazing creature.

I look out over the crowd of people sitting here watching us get married. My mom stands out, her new boyfriend sitting next to her. I haven’t really spent any time with the man, but he seems okay. He doesn’t yell at her or hit her, so he’s fine with me.

Macy is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it. I remember when she was Audrey’s size and now she is a wild five year old. She will be starting kindergarten this fall. I can’t even figure out where the time went. Before I know it she will be getting married herself.

Cassie and I are closer than ever. I’m seriously proud of her. She has stayed clean and is being the best mom she can be. The day she told me the truth about Creed, I almost lost it. I couldn’t believe that she told everyone he raped her just to save face. I wouldn’t have cared if she had just admitted the truth. I didn’t talk to her for weeks after that. Norma was incredibly pissed off that the journals she found were fake. Cassie’s only excuse was to say she “had a lot of issues.” I slowly got over it with the help of Norma. I wouldn’t be anywhere without Norma in my life.

My dad and Mary Beth got divorced which wasn’t a surprise to any of us. He is currently engaged to an even younger woman. I don’t understand it. The man isn’t that rich or good looking. Not that you could call him good looking to begin with.

Next to me stands Caden. I was disappointed with him for a while but things have come to light that no one could have guessed. I couldn’t stand by and watch him hurt. What kind of person would that make me? Considering some of the things I have done in my life, his sins aren’t nearly as bad. I just hope it works out for him and Grace. I don’t think life could be that cruel. Two people who love each other like they do, well let’s just say they shouldn’t be separated.

Teagan and Declan are still going strong. But who didn’t see that coming? They would do anything for each Copyright 2016 - 2024