Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,91

back. I feel her insides clutching my cock while she comes and I explode going off into another world.

When it’s over I fall on my stomach next to her and pull her under my arm. “We really need to start using condoms. I don’t know what the hell I have been thinking.” Okay so I know that I haven’t been thinking. Norma just gets me so turned on I forget the damn things.

She laughs and it almost seems nervous but I let it go. I’m too happy right this second to worry what would make her nervous right now. “You wanna take a shower?” she asks rolling out from under my arm.

“Sure. I have an early class tomorrow, it will save me some time.” I get up off the bed and pad into the bathroom, turning on the shower head. I stick my hand under the spray until it’s hot and then turn the cold. When it’s just the way I like it, I step out of the way to let Norma in.

When I join her, I immediately grab her body wash and squeeze some into my hand. She is facing the shower, letting the water soak her front. My hands grab her ass and I start spreading the suds around. She laughs at me before turning to face me. Her arms go around my shoulders and mine go around her hips. “I have to tell you something. Don’t completely freak out.”

Dread hits the pit of my stomach and I wait for her to wake me up from this dream I seem to have been having. “Okay.” I say clearing my throat. I tell myself I will be okay with her leaving me, but I really wouldn’t.

“I’m pregnant.”

Excuse me?

I feel as if my limbs have lost all their strength to carry me. The next thing I know I’m on my hands and knees in the shower panting. Norma must have turned the water off because I don’t feel it hitting my back.

The love of my life is going to have a dead man’s baby. I can deal with this, I can. We can raise it right and it won’t be like its father. God my girlfriend is going to have my niece’s brother or sister. “Chance?” Norma says nervously rubbing my back.

I move to stand up and she clutches my hand trying to help. Okay well I really needed the help. “It’s okay. I’m okay. We can do this. I’m not even upset it’s not mine. We can have some of our own one day.” I try and reassure her.

“Huh?” she looks at me like I’m an idiot but I wait for her to click the pieces together. “Oh! No this baby is yours. I’m only six weeks along, Chance.” Her wet body hugs mine close and I wrap my arms around her in relief at that news. “I know that you wouldn’t run for the hills if it wasn’t yours. You’re better than that.”

“Oh thank God!” I praise, my hands pumping up into the air. I have never been more relieved in my life! I hold Norma close, swinging her around. I totally want to jump up and down but I doubt that’s a good idea in the wet shower.

I feel kind of like my body and mind are made of jelly as I towel off and pull clean clothes on. Norma does the same and meets me in the bed. “So you’re not mad?” she inquires snuggling into my arms.

“No. Like I said earlier I should have been putting on the damn condoms. It’s not the end of the world.” I pull her left hand up in mine and rub the ring finger. “I would have liked to get a ring on this finger before I got you pregnant but not much I can do about that now.”

“I would have liked to be out of college, but I’m even happier nothing happened when I got hurt. Creed kicked me in the stomach a few times.” I tense in her arms.

“If that fucking bastard wasn’t dead, I would kill him right now. I can’t imagine hitting a woman in the face, but kicking her in the stomach is so horrible I don’t even want to think about it. I hope that mother fucker is rotting in hell.” I relax my body and squeeze Norma closer. “You’re going to have my baby. Wow. I never thought I would be this happy.”

“Me either. It wasn’t something we planned for, but it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024