Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,88

will just be standing there staring with nothing to say.

“He’s your father, Norma, of course he would come. Don’t be moody, you’re not even that pregnant.” She huffs, walking around the bed to sit down in the empty chair.

“I found this guy wondering around the waiting room.” comes Chance’s voice from the doorway. I look up and see my dad walk into the room.

“Hi dad.” I wave awkwardly.

“Hi Norma.” He replies just as awkward. He clears his throat before coming across the room to stand near my bed…and my mom. Yeah I totally just narrowed my eyes. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m good. How are you? Did you enjoy the long drive? They help you think of stuff to write, right?” apparently I have gotten good at making small talk with my father.

“Yes they do. Can’t say that I did much thinking on my work, I was mostly worried about you. And if I was about to get pulled over for speeding.” He picks up my hand and squeezes. “I know that I haven’t been in your life much, but I think I was just too young and by the time I realized it, you were already half grown. I’m sorry for that.”

I squeeze back giving him a small smile. “Thank you for that. Though you could have told me this years ago. Saved me a lot of awkward conversations.”

He laughs a little turning towards my mom. “How are you doing, Elizabeth?”

“I’m good thank you.” She grins at me and winks.

“Eww. Get a room please!” I exclaim covering my eyes. When I peek back out, my dad is totally blushing. “Dad, mom, and being that I’m 22 years old, I don’t think you have to hide your relationship anymore. Not that I know why you hid it in the first place. I mean you’re both my parents.”

My mom clears her throat looking up at dad. “It wasn’t that we were hiding it per se. You actually were the only one in the family who didn’t know.” She looks back at me sheepishly. “Your father and I do better…together but separate.”

“I didn’t think it was fair for us to be together in front of you, yet not live together. It doesn’t teach good values.” my dad states.

“Yeah. Whatever. Let’s move on to safer topics.” I smile over at Chance who is grinning like an idiot by the door. “Did Declan not come to see me? I think I feel hurt.”

Teagan laughs. “No he came, I bet he went after coffee. He didn’t get much sleep.”

“Kept him up did you?” I laugh and wink back at her.

Declan finally shows up and we all pretty much sit around and chat. I end up taking a nap about mid-day due to the pain killers. When I wake up from my nap Chance is sitting in the chair next to my bed. “Hey big foot.” I say my voice harsh with sleep.

He sets his accounting book down and crosses the room, a big smile on his face. He bends down and gives me a scorching kiss. “You told me you loved me in your sleep. It was cute.”

I feel my cheeks flush and I look away embarrassed. Though I don’t know why. I do love him and I know he knows that. I just hope I didn’t say anything else. “I do love you, dumb ass.”

He laughs from deep in his gut. “I know you do.” He tells me after his laughing fit. He bends towards my face again and whispers, “I love you too. Dumb ass.”

I laugh at him and sit up in bed. “Where is everyone else?” My mom brought a suit case with her but it’s missing.

“Your mom and dad got a hotel. They actually just left to get dinner. They won’t be gone too long. Teagan and Declan have school work and families to attend to.” He lays down on the bed beside me and pulls me into his arms. “Mom and Macy are coming down. Cassie would come but she has classes as well. Marley came in while you were asleep. He went with your parents”

“Oh boy. Where are we going to house all these people?” I ask looking up it to his hazel eyes.

“I don’t know, but we will figure it out. Teagan has an older brother who lives with his wife and kids in town and he has an extra bedroom. Probably put Mom and Macy there. Marley can sleep on the couch at the house.” He pushes a Copyright 2016 - 2024