Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,3

on the cheek. “Love you pretty ladies! See you in the morning.” And she is out the door.

After I get Macy fed and bathed we settle in the living room to play. She is just learning to walk so it’s fun to lead her around with my finger. This baby laughs at everything. Funny faces, tickles, and she really loves when I make fun of Chance. I’m sure she has no idea what the hell I’m saying or doing but giggles none the less.

Around nine I settle her in bed with her sippy cup and pink teddy bear Chance got her when she was born. She will not go to sleep without it at night. I kiss her chubby baby cheek “Love you Mace, sleep good.” I smile to myself before I walk out of her room and go down the stairs.

I grab my bag out of the kitchen before heading into the living room and spreading my stuff out to get this week’s homework done. After a few hours I get really tired and lay back on the couch and fall asleep.


I’m trying to get into my house, but there are three front doors and I can’t decide which door to stick my key in. I finally try the middle one and the key slips into the lock. I open the door and stumble inside where I nearly knock over the end table mom set in the hallway.

“Fuck.” I say as I rub my hand down my face. I didn’t realize I would be coming home tonight or I wouldn’t have gotten this drunk. I usually stay with my best friend Creed on the weekends but he has a steady girlfriend now and I would rather not listen to them having sex.

Passing the living room I do a double take when I see a girl lying on the couch. My eyes must be playing tricks on me because there is no way that freak is in my living room. I take a few unsteady steps towards her and get a better look. Her long black hair is laid out around her head with those crazy ass colors and I can’t help but suck in a breath. She looks like the angel of death, a very beautiful angel of death.

Her ugly ass glasses are sitting on the coffee table next to a few text books, so I’m assuming she was doing homework before she fell asleep. I guess this is the reason mom didn’t want me around at all on the weekends. I remember the day my mom found out what I had been doing to Norma. You ain’t ever seen a tiny ass women hold a 15 year old boy down and spank his ass like she did. I couldn’t sit for a week.

I have to assume it’s the alcohol that makes her look so damn intriguing tonight. Or maybe it’s the fact I can actually see her face and she looks so fucking sweet asleep like she is. Her skin isn’t as scarred as I would have thought, considering what she looked like before. There are only a few places and they aren’t even noticeable until you get right up to her face like I am.

Wait? What? How the hell did I end up this close to her? I don’t even remember moving. Then it doesn’t matter because I’m amazed at how gorgeous she is sleeping like this. I’m used to angry words and glares from her. The peaceful way she is breathing makes me feel things I don’t want to feel. We would never work together. She hates me and I hate myself for what I did to her.

I know you’re like, he called her a freak…well that’s how she comes off. With the crazy hair and baggy clothes. The obsession with reptiles and spiders. She screams freak even though I know she isn’t one.

I find myself wanting to taste her lips like I have never wanted to taste anyone else. Her heart shaped face and peach skin call to me. Her little button nose giving her a perky sweet quality, which I know she doesn’t possess. I want to run my fingers through her hair to see if it is as soft as it looks. I want things…its really freaking out my drunken brain.

I never want things. I blame my father. When I was 12 I found him fucking my new step-mom in my parent’s bed. I can still see him completely naked thrusting into her. Copyright 2016 - 2024