Nonverbal - Aria Grace Page 0,21


She scoffed and pinched my hip. “Yeah, he’s getting off to a hot guy all day long. It’s probably clearing out the cobwebs around his synapses and making him think more clearly.”

Was that possible? It didn’t sound possible, but it kinda sounded like exactly what had happened.

“Anyway.” She pulled away and headed back inside. “Just teach him good habits. If you leave, we don’t want him jumping the hot FedEx guy just because he thinks it’s okay.”

I narrowed my eyes at that thought. “He won’t. Trust me.”

Avery turned back to me then burst out laughing. “Oh my god, if you could see your face right now. You’re like one of those Neanderthal military guys who claims his mate for life.”

I wasn’t a military guy and I’d never been accused of being a Neanderthal before…but the rest sounded about right.

Liam was mine. Now and always.

During dinner, Mrs. Brenner dropped a bomb none of us was expecting.

“My sister’s husband passed away last night so Bill and I will be traveling to Phoenix for the funeral this weekend.” She turned away from me and looked at Avery with pleading eyes.

“No way.” Avery was shaking her head defiantly. “I’m not doing it again. Last time I watched him for the weekend was a nightmare. Wyatt has to do it.”

I looked between them, not sure what they were asking me to do.

“Could you?” Mrs. Brenner turned to me with her hands clasped in front of her plate. “We’ll need to leave Thursday night and we’d like to stay through Sunday, if that’s okay with you. We’ll pay you for the overtime, of course.”

“You want me to stay here all weekend?” I didn’t have anything else going on so that wasn’t the issue. My bigger concern was whether I’d have the self-control to not take things further with Liam than we were ready for. Not that I had any idea what we were ready for or when it might happen. I just felt like it was getting closer and I was afraid of what that would mean for us.

“Yeah, at least while Liam’s awake. You can stay in the guest room or you can sleep at your place, but it’ll probably be easier if you’re here.”

“Yeah, probably.” Avery scoffed and gave me a side glance. “You might as well just stay.”

“Um, sure. I don’t have any plans so that’s fine.” I turned to Liam to see if he was paying attention. As usual, his gaze was locked on me. “What do you think, bud? Is it okay if I stay here with you for a few days?”

Liam held my gaze and nodded before looking back down at his food.

Mrs. Brenner gasped so I turned to her. “Did he just nod?”

I smiled proudly and wished I were sitting close enough to squeeze his shoulder. “Yeah, he’s been doing that more lately.”

“He has?” Mr. Brenner asked under his breath.

Both of Liam’s parents had glassy eyes as they stared at their son, shocked by this new development.

“Oh yeah?” Avery was also curious but seemed less shocked. “Since when?”

I briefly glared at her before turning back to his parents. “Yeah, sorry. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it. Since we’ve started…” I had no idea what to say. They knew what we were doing, but I still couldn’t say the words around the dinner table. “Well, since we’ve been more physically…affectionate, I guess, he’s started using gestures more. And his paintings are different. Clear. Like not abstract in the least. You’ve got to see the one he did yesterday. It’s like a portrait. It’s amazing.”

Liam had a proud grin on his face when I turned back to him so I reached across the table and offered him my hand. It wasn’t the most appropriate thing to do at the family table, but it was what he and I needed at that moment. He gripped my hand and stared at me with the most loving expression.

I nodded at him, reassuring him that I felt the same way.

We didn’t need words.

We knew.

“I can’t believe it.” Mrs. Brenner pressed her palm against her chest and held a napkin to her eyes. “It’s happening.”

“God, Mom.” Avery rolled her eyes and slammed her glass down on the table. “Are you gonna cry tears of joy when I lose my virginity?”

My jaw dropped at her sass, but also over the fact that she was still a virgin. She was a pretty girl and seemed popular. I’d have bet she’d lost it months or even Copyright 2016 - 2024