No Stranger to Scandal - By Rachel Bailey Page 0,46

away. She should make more of an effort to see her father’s family—a couple of times a year was nowhere near enough. Being busy might be true, and it definitely had been easier to spend time with them when her father was alive and able to be the conduit, but family was important.

“I’m here for work,” she said, promising herself she’d visit again, soon. “Otherwise I absolutely would have called.”

Judith’s face brightened. “How long?”

“Just tonight.”

“You’ll have to come up to the villa for dinner.”

She glanced back to the deli, where Hayden was waiting for their order. “I’m traveling with a colleague.”

“Bring them,” Judith said with a generous sweep of her arms. “Philip and Rose are here, too, so we’ll make a cozy group.”

From the corner of her eye, she saw Hayden approaching their table. How would he react to the invitation? He’d made his feelings about his ex-wife’s family clear—inherited money didn’t impress him. In fact, he’d been disdainful of their lavish lifestyle. Aunt Judith was her father’s sister—a Royall through and through—and had expensive tastes to go along with her wealth.

She stepped away from her aunt and turned to Hayden, who’d placed the sandwiches and drinks on the table. “Judith, this is Hayden Black. Hayden, this is my aunt, Judith Royall-Jones.”

Hayden reached out a hand. “A pleasure to meet you.”

“And you, Mr. Black. I was just telling Lucy to bring you up for dinner tonight at the villa.”

Hayden turned to her and raised an eyebrow. She started to shake her head, wanting to save him from a situation he might find uncomfortable.

“We don’t get to see enough of our Lucy, so I won’t take no for an answer.” Judith linked her elbow though Lucy’s and grinned, obviously certain of Hayden’s answer.

He looked from her aunt back to her, then a charming smile spread across his face. “In that case, I’d love to come.”


That night, Hayden drove the rental car up the mountainside to Lucy’s aunt’s lodge. They’d spent the afternoon visiting Barbara Jessup’s friends whom Angelica had interviewed and checking the phones at each house. Most had taps. There were a few more people he wanted to interview in the morning, then he and Lucy would catch a lunchtime flight back to D.C. But before that, there was dinner with some of Lucy’s family to contend with.

He cast a quick glance over to the passenger seat. Lucy was staring out the window, seemingly lost in thought.

“So who will be there tonight?” he asked.

She turned to him, tucking a few strands of shiny blond hair behind one ear. “Aunt Judith and Uncle Piers—it’s their lodge. My cousin Philip and his wife, Rose. She didn’t mention anyone else, but with Judith, nothing surprises me.” She reached over and laid a hand on his thigh. “Hayden, I’m sorry you were dragged into this.”

“It’s no trouble. Besides, maybe I’d like to meet some of your family.” It was true—his curiosity was piqued about the Royalls. During his marriage, he’d thought Brooke’s family wealth had been the cause of her pampered-princess ways. But Lucy’s family was much richer than Brooke’s, and Lucy hadn’t shown a sign of the high-and-mighty or petulant behavior that Brooke had wielded like a weapon. Lucy had obviously been raised very differently.

He covered her hand on his thigh with his palm. “But if you’re really sorry, how about you make it up to me later?”

She laughed. “Deal.”

Lucy directed him to the house and when he turned into the drive, he gave a low whistle. “When you said lodge, I was expecting, I don’t know, a lodge. Not a mansion.” The place was huge—four stories built into the side of the mountain so each level was stepped in as it went up. Glass and wood everywhere, a soft golden glow coming from many windows, and a carpet of spring flowers that wove around paths. It looked like it belonged in some kind of fairy tale.

“Aunt Judith likes her little comforts,” Lucy said with an ironic twist to her mouth.

He chuckled. Going by what he could see of the house, that was something of an understatement.

Judith met them at the door, taking Lucy’s hands and squeezing. “Lucy, dear. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to see you in town today.”

“Me, too,” Lucy said with genuine warmth.

“And Mr. Black.” She turned a welcoming smile to him. “I’m glad you could come.”

He shook her hand. She was tall, with glossy silver hair that came to just under her chin and hazel eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024