No Stranger to Scandal - By Rachel Bailey Page 0,37

love to you again?”

Her breath caught high in her throat. “That’s the one. Tell me more about that.”

“There are the waking thoughts and the dreams at night,” he said, turning them so she was trapped between his solid body and the counter behind her.

“Start with the dreams.”

He gave her a slow, sensual smile full of promise. “In my favorite one, I was in bed at home in New York, and you slipped through the door and climbed under the covers with me.”

She shivered as the image formed in her mind. “What was I wearing in this dream?”

“Nothing.” His voice dropped to a seductive whisper. “That’s why it’s one of my favorites.”

Her eyes drifted closed and a dull throb pulsated at her core. “What happened once I was under the covers with you?”

His freshly shaved jaw scraped over her cheek as he pressed his lips to her ear. “I spent the rest of the night making sure you had a good time.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “And did I?”

“Oh, yes,” he said, teeth nipping at the side of her throat. “You were very enthusiastic in your appreciation. When I woke, I was surprised you weren’t still there.”

Such a simple fantasy, but it aroused her to the tips of her tingling toes—thinking about what they’d done, but also just that Hayden Black had dreamed about her.

She wound her arms around his neck. “Sounds like a dream that was meant to come true.”

“I’m working on it.” He glanced around. “You got a bedroom in this place?”

“Down the hall. Tell me about the waking thoughts,” she said, and bit down on her lip.

He swung her up into his arms and headed out of the room. “They mainly center on regrets.”

“Regrets?” She placed a hand on the side of his face, bringing his gaze back to her as he carried her along the hall. “About making love to me?”

“Yep. I’ve got a list.” He indicated the open door to her bedroom with a tilt of his head and she nodded.

“Such as?”

“It happened too fast,” he murmured in her ear, his mouth hot. “I didn’t get to do some things I wanted.”

He eased her down on the pale blue coverlet, then climbed onto the bed, prowling over her, filling her vision. “To taste the skin just where your diamond pendant hides.” Slowly, he undid the tie holding her wraparound dress together and pulled it open. She held her breath as one hand firmly cupped the lavender lace he’d uncovered and his head dipped to the hollow between her breasts. The heat of his mouth and tongue sent a shower of sparks through her bloodstream, and when his teeth gently bit at the slope of her breast she arched up, offering more, wanting more.

When he lifted his head, his eyes were as dark as night, and filled with banked desire. “Or to feel the satin smoothness of your inner thigh,” he said as a hand snaked down her body and drew one knee up. He kissed a trail down her belly, around her hip, to her leg and up to her raised knee while his fingertips traced circles on her inner thigh near the edge of her panties.

“I didn’t get to linger in places I wanted to.” His tongue joined his fingers and she came close to dissolving on the spot. “I’m a man who hates having regrets, so if it’s all the same to you, I’ll be rectifying the situation right now.”

“Be my guest,” she said breathlessly.

For what seemed like hours, Hayden drove her slowly out of her mind, bringing her close to the edge then ruthlessly turning his attention to yet another sweet zone, removing pieces of clothing as he went. All the while, she explored the ridges of his abdomen, the powerful muscles of his shoulders and arms, the rough hair covering his thighs, every part of him she could reach, peeling his clothes away until there were no barriers between their skin except the protection. They didn’t have forever, she knew that, but for now he belonged to her. Today and for a few days she laid claim to his body; here in her bed, his attention was focused on her. And there wasn’t another place in the world she’d rather be in this moment. Maybe there never would be again.

Hayden paused, looking deep into her eyes, then his lips came down to meet hers, all his passion and hunger coalescing into one perfect kiss. She practically floated off the bed, but Hayden’s Copyright 2016 - 2024