No Stranger to Scandal - By Rachel Bailey Page 0,33

involvement influence us.”

“Done,” she said simply.

An electric shiver raced down his spine. This was really going to happen. He cleared his throat before continuing. “Also, no making love here in my suite. It’s the center of my investigation, I keep research here and I meet people here. We only sleep together at your place, and only during the day when Josh is with his nanny. The geographical distinction will keep a firm boundary in our minds so we don’t compromise the investigation.”

“Makes sense,” she said, her face serious but voice breathless. “I’m good with that one.”

He knelt down in front of her, wanting there to be no misunderstandings on the next point. “And if it becomes awkward or too much for you, promise me you’ll say so.”

Nodding, she laid her hands on either side of his face. “I’ll promise, if you will.”

“Sure,” he said, barely able to form the word when she was so close and touching him.

“I can work from home tomorrow.”

Blood sparking as if it carried an electric current, he mentally ran through his schedule. “I don’t have any appointments in the morning. I’ll be over at nine-thirty.” She moistened her lips and he groaned. “Though if you don’t leave this second, we’ll start right this minute.”

With a look of mischief, she grabbed her bag and practically scurried out the door, and Hayden was left alone and wondering how he’d make it till nine-thirty.

* * *

At ten past nine, Hayden answered a knock at his hotel-suite door. The only appointment he had this morning was to see Lucy in twenty begin their fling. His skin heated. He’d been dressed and ready for the day—for Lucy—since eight. The nanny had come for Josh at nine, and for ten minutes Hayden had been restlessly shuffling papers, willing the hands on his watch to move faster.

When he pulled the door open, Angelica Pierce stood there in a figure-hugging red dress, pulling her Botoxed lips into a plastic smile. “Hayden, darling,” she said brightly.

“Good morning, Angelica.” His training came to his aid, allowing him to smile and be pleasant without betraying either his annoyance at being delayed from seeing Lucy or his increased suspicions about Angelica after meeting Rowena last night. “Did we have an appointment?”

“No, no,” she said as she brushed past him and into the room. “I was in the area and I thought I’d touch base. See if there’s anything I can do to help.”

“You want to help?” he asked mildly, digging his hands into his pockets.

“Of course I do! These awful crimes tar all journalists with the same brush in the public’s mind. The sooner it’s all cleared up, the better for news broadcasters everywhere.” She sat on the sofa and patted the cushion beside her. “Come and sit next to me, Hayden, so we can talk about it.”

The sight of Angelica on the sofa where he’d kissed Lucy less than twelve hours ago was jarring. “I’m sorry, but I need to leave for a meeting.”

“Oh, darling, I think you’ll make time for me.” She stretched her neck to one side and lowered her shoulder, and the sleeve of her blouse fell down her arm, revealing a perfectly tan shoulder, unencumbered by a bra strap.

Despite his urge to throw her out, Hayden regarded her pose analytically. It was a clear invitation, and from what he knew of Angelica already, if he handled this badly she might overreact. And if she did, that might make her slip up and reveal something...

“Angelica,” he said, finding a polite but firm tone. “I really do have to leave.”

She pushed herself up from the sofa and slinked over to his side, standing too close. His skin crawled. When he stepped away to create a little distance, she followed.

“Hayden, let’s not waste words.” Her smile was part sex kitten, part great white shark. “I know you’re interested in me, and I’m attracted to you, too.”

“Angelica,” he said bluntly, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s not going to happen. Not now, not ever.”

There was silence for a long beat. Then, as if a switch had been flicked, she roughly grabbed her sleeve and tugged it up, her aqua eyes sparking with rage.

“This is because of her, isn’t it?” A finger with a fire-engine-red nail jabbed the air in the direction of the door.

Hayden stilled. “Who?”

“Lucy Royall,” she spat with more venom than a rattlesnake. “She was all you wanted to talk about the other day. You have a little crush on her, don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024